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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-73066

replace qmldir with JSON




      This was discussed in August 2013:


      the link will break later, no doubt, but the thread was Re: qml, qrc and deployment. In the context of getting rid of qmlbundle (which we did, see QTBUG-27783):

      On 13 Aug 2013, at 12:40, Thomas Hartmann <Thomas.Hartmann@digia.com> wrote:

      Another topic that came up was qmldir. Since Qt 5 now supports to .json

      to describe and annotate a plugin, shouldn't we use this instead of

      another arbitrary file format? Of course we will continue support for

      qmldir, but we should depreciate it and use .json instead. Like for any

      other plugin in Qt.

      The qmldir file could be replaced by qmldir.json in the pure .qml plugin


      If the plugin is converted to .rcc the .rcc file contains the

      qmldir.json file.

      I'm not sure if it has to be called qmldir.json, but some sort of JSON file will have more structure than the ad-hoc format that we have now. And there are precedents, such as that we use JSON for annotating plugins. So I guess we should try to be consistent with that somehow: maybe consider that json file to extend the plugin's annotation?

      I would even more like to be able to operate without qmldir files at all, at least sometimes. It should be possible to deploy a plugin as a single file, if the resources include all the bundled QML, and the annotation tells the engine enough about what to do with it.


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