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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-72086

Qt for Mobile - Improving the cross-platform usability



    • Improve cross-platform usability
    • Android, iOS/tvOS/watchOS


      The support for different features in Qt differ between Android and iOS, forcing specific code to be written for the two platforms. We need to look into the differences and align the functionality, and hence remove the developers' need to write platform specific code.

      The most important differences are currently in:

      1. Qt Bluetooth
      2. Qt NFC
      3. Qt Sensors
      4. Qt Multimedia

      By looking at the documentation, these seems to be the top-level areas of divergence:

        Android iOS
      Qt Bluetooth    
        Classic Bluetooth Supported Not Supported
        Bluetooth LE Central Supported Supported
       Bluetooth LE Peripheral Supported Supported
        Bluetooth LE Advertisement & Scanning Not Supported Not Supported
      Qt NFC    
        Qt NFC Supported Not Supported
      Qt Sensors    
        Accelerometer Supported Supported
        Altimeter Not Supported Not Supported
        Ambient Light Sensor Not Supported Supported
        Ambient Temperature Sensor Supported Not Supported
        Compass Supported Supported
        Distance Not Supported Not Supported
        Gyroscope Supported Supported
        Light Sensor Supported Not Supported
        Magnetometer Supported Supported
        Orientation Sensor Not Supported Supported
        Pressure Sensor Supported Not Supported
        Proximity Sensor Supported Supported
        Rotation Sensor Supported Supported
        Tilt Sensor Not Supported Supported
      Qt Multimedia    
       Media player features    
        Stream source Not Supported Not Supported
        Metadata Supported Not Supported
        Track selection Not Supported Not **Supported
        HW decoding Supported Supported
        Video window control Not Supported Supported
        Video widget control Not Supported Supported
        Audio probe Not Supported Not Supported
        Video probe Not Supported Not **Supported
       Camera features    
        Video window control Not Supported Not Supported
        Video widget control Not Supported Not Supported
        Audio probe Not Supported Not Supported
        Video probe Supported Supported
        Viewfinder settings Supported Supported
        Zoom Supported Supported
        Flash Supported Supported
        Focus Supported with deviations Supported with deviations
        Exposure Supported with deviations Supported with deviations
        Image processing Supported Not Supported
        Locks Supported Not Supported
       Recording features    
        Record camera Supported Supported
        Record audio Supported Supported with limitations
        Audio probe Supported with limitations Supported
        Video probe Supported Supported
        MetaData writer Not Supported Not Supported
        Audio encoder settings Supported Supported
        Video encoder settings Supported Supported
        Container settings Supported Supported
       Audio decoding features    
        Decode audio Not Supported Not Supported



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              vminenko Vladimir Minenko
              hakjol Harald Kjølberg (Inactive)
              Vladimir Minenko Vladimir Minenko
              Alex Blasche Alex Blasche
              15 Vote for this issue
              32 Start watching this issue

