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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-71969

QtDC test and verification enhancements (including RTA) for 1H2019



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 5.13
    • None
    • Device Creation
    • QtDC Q&A enhancements for 1H2019


      Business needs

      The business requirements can be split in to three main areas:

      1) HW partner needs for their own QA

      Qt hardware partners will make their own Qt builds and QBSP deliverables, and they need a mechanism to veryfy as part of their own CI and QA that the built images are succesfully done. We will also need to make the PASS and COVERAGE of the tests as gating option to plave the partner provided QBSP files under account.qt.io/downloads.

      2) Need for comparing performance of different hardwares and different Qt releases

      We constantly have two performance measurement needs that could be addressed with one tool: (1) Ability to reliably compare performance of different Qt releases and (2) ability to compare performance of Qt on different (embedded target) hardwares. Often we also have combination of these 1+2. A performnace measuring tool can also be used for the HW partner needs for their own QA as a fail or sudden drop on performance is also a good quality indicator.

      3) TQC internal RTA improvement needs

      Our need is to be able to improve our own R&D efficiency; Capture issues earlier, do less manual testing and improve repeatability and overall test coverage for embedded targets.

      Implementation requirements

      RTA planning here: https://intranet.qt.io/display/QTRD/DC+RTA+H1+2019

      Effort estimates

      TQC internal work



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              sapiippo Samuli Piippo
              santtuahonen Santtu Ahonen
              Santtu Ahonen Santtu Ahonen
              Kalle Viironen Kalle Viironen
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