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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-68653

Doc: Improve SQL Example: Cached Table Example



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • 5.11.0
    • Documentation
    • None


      • Revert button in the example application could be more intuitive, as it is available after a 'Submit' but does not revert submitted changes.
      • The table layout does not fill the default application size, which makes it look a little unpolished.
      • Wrong order of arguments in description of TableEditor constructor.
      • The text "class can be used to provide data to view classes" is ambiguous: are we using 'view' as noun or verb? (It is used as noun, but reads as a verb).
      • Overall language can be simplified somewhat, to make the text clearer for non-native English readers.
      • "It is build" -> "It is built".
      • Sub-section "Connecting to a Database" is enclosed in a table - the formatting makes it look like a sidebar, although the text seems to be a continuation of the main text. Is this done on purpose?
      • The text content that goes into the 'items' table in the database is marketing speech (or an attempt at clever SEO trickery). It feels a little contrived. Perhaps rename the table to 'slogans', 'marketing_pitches', or something similar that justifies the content? Or replace content with something that is more benign.
      • The text mixes active/passive voice as well as point of view (first person vs second person).
      • Use of possessives, Latin expressions: rewrite to improve readability for non-native English readers.

      See also:


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              docteam Qt Documentation Team
              paulwicking Paul Wicking
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

