connect(this, SIGNAL(eventCopy()), this, SLOT(slotCopyKey()));
if (QKeySequence(uKey) == QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Copy))//Ctrl+C
{ emit eventCopy(); }QApplication::clipboard()->setText(copyData, QClipboard::Clipboard);
I want to copy text from QTableView,some time's i will meet this follows
g++ win10,win7 vs2013,change QKeySequence::Copy to QKeySequence::Find are ok!
only win10 and vs!
om\ole32\ole232\clipbrd\clipapi.cpp(3724)\ole32.dll!7754BC95: (caller: 7754DAE9) ReturnHr(1) tid(33f4) 800401D0 OpenClipboard 失败
OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0 (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (参数错误。)