Resolution: Done
P2: Important
This code works as expected:
import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 ApplicationWindow { id: root width: 600 height: 600 visible: true property bool foo: true Label { text: foo anchors.centerIn: parent } MenuBar { MenuBarItem { objectName: "animationMenuBarItem" focusPolicy: Qt.TabFocus menu: Menu { title: qsTr("Animation") MenuItem { objectName: "animationPlaybackMenuButton" text: qsTr("Animation Playback") checkable: true checked: foo onClicked: foo = checked } } } } }
But with the equivalent Platform code, triggered() is emitted before checked is changed:
import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import Qt.labs.platform 1.0 as Platform ApplicationWindow { id: root width: 600 height: 600 visible: true property bool foo: true Label { text: foo anchors.centerIn: parent } Platform.MenuBar { Platform.Menu { id: animationMenu objectName: "animationMenu" title: qsTr("Animation") Platform.MenuItem { id: animationPlaybackMenuButton objectName: "animationPlaybackMenuButton" text: qsTr("Animation Playback") checkable: true checked: foo onTriggered: foo = checked } } } }
I thought I could work around it by negating checked:
onTriggered: foo = !checked
but then the menu item's checked state is incorrect.