Resolution: Done
P2: Important
I have a use case where a popup for entering notes can spawn a sub-popup for grabbing an image via the QML Camera component.
The nested popups seem to cause Qt/ QML to lose track of my StackView's `Keys.onBackPressed` event listener such that when I go into the nested popup and then come out of both popups, the default Android behavior of exiting the app is performed.
The below S.S.C.C.E. manifests this behavior:
import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 ApplicationWindow { id: root; visible: true width:400; height:200; StackView { id: stack_view; Component.onCompleted: { push(_HomeComponent) } Keys.onBackPressed: { console.log('BackPressed intercepted and stopped from quitting the program.'); } } Component { id: _HomeComponent; Item { Button { text: 'open popup'; onClicked: { popup.visible = true; console.log('open popup clicked'); } } Popup { id: popup visible: false; parent: ApplicationWindow.contentItem; Component { id: _PopupContent; Rectangle { color: 'grey'; width: 150; height: 150; Button { text: 'open nested popup'; onClicked: { nested_popup.visible = true; console.log('open nested popup clicked'); } } Popup { id: nested_popup visible: false; parent: ApplicationWindow.contentItem; Component { id: _NestedPopupContent; Rectangle { color: 'red'; width: 150; height: 150; Text {text: 'In nested popup'} } } Loader { sourceComponent: nested_popup.visible ? _NestedPopupContent : null; } } } } Loader { sourceComponent: popup.visible ? _PopupContent : null; } } } } }
Attached is a gif of the code in action. Blocking if only one popup is gone into and exiting if the nested popup is gone into.