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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-64990

tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport() failed on b2qt(qemu)



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P0: Blocker
    • None
    • 5.11
    • XML: QtXmlPatterns
    • None
    • Linux QEMU (gcc-arm64) on Linux Ubuntu_16_04 (gcc-x86_64) - Release, AbortTestingOnFirstFailure
      Linux QEMU (gcc-armv7) on Linux Ubuntu_16_04 (gcc-x86_64) - Release, AbortTestingOnFirstFailure


      https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/213351/ Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.10' into dev
      https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/213421/ Update submodules on 'dev' in qt5


      /home/qt/work/qt/qtxmlpatterns/tests/auto/xmlpatterns/target_wrapper.sh  ./tst_xmlpatterns xquerySupport
      ********* Start testing of tst_XmlPatterns *********
      Config: Using QtTest library 5.11.0, Qt 5.11.0 (arm64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 6.3.0)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::initTestCase()
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(A simple math query) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(An unbound external variable) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XPST0008 in  at line 1, column 69: No variable with name externalVariable exists\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XPST0008 in  at line 1, column 69: No variable with name externalVariable exists\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Bind an external variable) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Bind an external variable, query appearing last) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use fn:doc) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use fn:doc, together with -no-format, last) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use fn:doc, together with -no-format, first) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Make sure query paths are resolved against CWD, not the location of the executable.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Call fn:error()) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FOER0000 in  at line 1, column 1: \n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FOER0000 in  at line 1, column 1: \n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Evaluate a library module) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XPST0003 in  at line 1, column 17: syntax error, unexpected namespace, expecting end of file\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XPST0003 in  at line 1, column 17: syntax error, unexpected namespace, expecting end of file\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Trigger a static error.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XPST0003 in  at line 1, column 1: syntax error, unexpected unknown keyword\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XPST0003 in  at line 1, column 1: syntax error, unexpected unknown keyword\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Pass -help)
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Open an nonexistent file) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(XQuery-function message markups) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XPST0017 in  at line 1, column 1: fn:doc($uri as xs:string?) as document()? requires at least 1 argument(s). 0 is therefore invalid.\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XPST0017 in  at line 1, column 1: fn:doc($uri as xs:string?) as document()? requires at least 1 argument(s). 0 is therefore invalid.\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(XQuery-type message markups) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XPTY0004 in  at line 1, column 1: Operator + cannot be used on atomic values of type xs:integer and xs:string.\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XPTY0004 in  at line 1, column 1: Operator + cannot be used on atomic values of type xs:integer and xs:string.\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(XQuery-data & XQuery-keyword message markups) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FOAR0001 in  at line 1, column 1: Division (div) by zero (0) is undefined.\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FOAR0001 in  at line 1, column 1: Division (div) by zero (0) is undefined.\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(XQuery-uri message markups) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XQST0038 in  at line 1, column 1: Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint). h"...
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XQST0038 in  at line 1, column 1: Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint). http://example.com/UnsupportedCollation is unsupported.\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(XQuery-expression message markups) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FORX0002 in  at line 1, column 1: \\ is an invalid regular expression pattern: unexpected end\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FORX0002 in  at line 1, column 1: \\ is an invalid regular expression pattern: unexpected end\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Print a list of available regexp flags(The available flags are formatted in a complex way.)) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FORX0001 in  at line 1, column 1: I is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are:\ni - Matches are case insensitive\nm - ^ and $ ma"...
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FORX0001 in  at line 1, column 1: I is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are:\ni - Matches are case insensitive\nm - ^ and $ match the start and end of a line.\ns - . matches newline characters\nx - Whitespace characters"...
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Trigger an assert in QPatternist::ColorOutput. The query naturally contains an error; XPTY0004.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nWarning in : The variable a is unused\nError XPTY0004 in  at line 2, column 13: Required cardinality is zero or one(\"?\"); got cardinality one or more("...
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Warning in : The variable a is unused\nError XPTY0004 in  at line 2, column 13: Required cardinality is zero or one(\"?\"); got cardinality one or more(\"+\").\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Trigger a second assert in QPatternist::ColorOutput. The query naturally contains XPST0003.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XPST0003 in  at line 1, column 5: syntax error, unexpected <number literal>, expecting end of file\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XPST0003 in  at line 1, column 5: syntax error, unexpected <number literal>, expecting end of file\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(-param is missing so multiple queries appear) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(only -no-format)
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Basic use of -output, query first) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Basic use of -output, query last) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(A single query, that does not exist) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Specify two identical query names) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Specify no arguments at all.)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use -output twice)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(-output with a non-writable file)
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use -output on a file with existing content, to ensure we truncate, not append the content we produce.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(one query, and a terminating dash at the end) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(one query, with a preceding dash) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(A single dash, that's invalid)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Invoke -version)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Unknown switch; -unknown-switch)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Unknown switch; -d)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Passing a single dash is insufficient)
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Passing two dashes, the last is interpreted as a file name) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Pass three dashes, the two last gets interpreted as two query arguments) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FODC0002 in  No such file or directory\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Load query via data: scheme) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Load query via FTP) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Load query via HTTP) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(We don't support -format any longer)
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Run a query which evaluates to the empty sequence.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Run a query which evaluates to a single document node with no children.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Invoke with invalid -param value.)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Invoke with colon in variable name.)
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Invoke with missing name in -param arg.)
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Invoke with -param that has two adjacent equal signs.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Pass in an external variable, but the query doesn't use it.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Invoke with -param that has no value.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Ensure -is-uri can appear after the query filename) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use a native path) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Pass in invalid URI) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError XPST0003 in data:application/xml;base64,PGUvg===, at line 1, column 3: syntax error, unexpected unknown keyword, expecting T_POSITION_SET\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error XPST0003 in data:application/xml;base64,PGUvg===, at line 1, column 3: syntax error, unexpected unknown keyword, expecting T_POSITION_SET\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use -param twice) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Use -param thrice) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Specify the same parameter twice, different values) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nEach parameter must be unique, duplicated is specified at least twice.\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Each parameter must be unique, duplicated is specified at least twice.\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Specify the same parameter twice, same values) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nEach parameter must be unique, duplicated is specified at least twice.\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Each parameter must be unique, duplicated is specified at least twice.\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(Open a non-existing collection.) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nError FODC0004 in  at line 1, column 1: doesNotExistForSure cannot be retrieved\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): "Error FODC0004 in  at line 1, column 1: doesNotExistForSure cannot be retrieved\n"
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      FAIL!  : tst_XmlPatterns::xquerySupport(QTBUG-35897: literal sequence) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (fixedStderr)                    : "Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\nUnsupported ioctl: cmd=0x8b07\n"
         Expected (filterStderr(rawExpectedStdErr)): ""
         Loc: [tst_xmlpatterns.cpp(197)]
      PASS   : tst_XmlPatterns::cleanupTestCase()
      Totals: 16 passed, 47 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 22515ms
      ********* Finished testing of tst_XmlPatterns *********
      Makefile:294: recipe for target 'check' failed
      make: *** [check] Error 47





            sanurmen Sami Nurmenniemi
            liaqi Liang Qi
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