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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-62425

Changes planned for Qt 6



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • 6.0
    • None
    • Other
    • Qt 6


      This Epic is used for planning and defining the changes and new content that will get implemented for Qt 6.

      Qt 6 as a major release can break binary compatibility, but is supposed to keep backwards compatibility for non deprecated functionality as much as possible.

      The work between the last Qt 5 version and Qt 6 should focus on those items that can't be changed or fixed in a minor release.

      Here are some guiding principles for the work:

      • Qt is a cross-platform framework, please keep it that way and implement new functionality for all relevant platforms
      • Make things as performance as possible
        • No O(N) when we can do O(logN)
      • Minimize memory consumption
        • And minimise the amount of allocations
      • But keep APIs as easy to use as possible
        • API convenience wins over ultimate performance
        • Time to market and error correctness win over performance
      • Backwards source compatibility is important
        • No breaking without maintainer approval
        • API deprecated in 5.12 can be freely removed

      Please group any items you have into sub-tasks per module or functional area. These sub-tasks should be assigned to the corresponding maintainer of that module.


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              laknoll Lars Knoll
              laknoll Lars Knoll
              Maurice Kalinowski Maurice Kalinowski
              Tuukka Turunen Tuukka Turunen
              0 Vote for this issue
              73 Start watching this issue

