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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-60142

QML TextField copies text from other TextField when echoMode:TextInput.Password or PasswordEchoOnEdit is set on Android 4.1.2



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • 5.8.0
    • None
    • Android 4.1.2, Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini


      When filling in multiple QML TextFields in succession and without dismissing the virtual keyboard, if a TextField with echoMode: TextInput.Password or echoMode: TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit is filled after a TextField without either of these echoModes, the text of the previous TextField gets copied into the password TextField before any new characters are filled in.

      For example, imagine two TextFields:

      TextField {
                      id: emailTextField
                      width: //something
                      x: //something
                      y: //something
                      height: //something
                      font.family: "Trebuchet"
                      onAccepted: {
                          if (passwordTextField.text.length > 0 && emailTextField.text.length > 0) {
      TextField {
                      id: passwordTextField
                      width: //something
                      x: //something
                      y: //something
                      height: //something
                      echoMode: TextInput.Password
                      font.family: "Trebuchet"
                      onAccepted: {
                          if (passwordTextField.text.length > 0 && emailTextField.text.length > 0) {

      Filling in the first works just fine, filling in the second immediately afterwards without a dismissal of the virtual keyboard leads to a copy of the text in the first one into the second one. Typing in "helloworld" into the first one, then selecting the second one and pressing the t button would result in "helloworldt" filled into the second one.

      More specific behaviours:

      • The copy only happens after the first key of the keyboard is pressed, but is set in front of the newly applied character
      • It only happens between non-password field and password field in that specific order - no problem the other way around or between two non-password or two password fields.
      • Dismissing the keyboard between inputs stops the copy from happening
      • If there's text in the password textfield already, the copy is put after the existing text
      • Setting a placeholderText has no effect
      • Changing the echoMode to a not-password related one immediately stops any copies from happening with the exact same other settings.

      This only happens on Android and is even then limited to (a) specific version(s). I could not reproduce the bug on desktop, iOs or Android 5.1.1, however, on the Galaxy S3 Mini running Android 4.1.2 it happens consistently.




            esabraha Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
            Aerius Nils Dorando
            1 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

