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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-54251

WinRT: ARM: Failing to install VCLibs dependency in release mode



    • WinRT
    • 20faf717c87f3095bfa3be3781f97744b75935e2


      Trying to build and deploy an app for Win 10 Mobile directly from QtCreator but the app, once deployed, doesn't start on the device. This issue does not happen from Visual Studio using: qmake -tp vc app.pro "CONFIG+=windeployqt". There is a warning on the Qt 5.7.0 WinRT armv7 Kit (Device type is not supported by Qt version), but I wondering if that's just because it can't detect the architecture of the connected device or am I trying to do something really not supported by QtCreator?!

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Start QtCreator
      • File > New File or Project
        • Select Application > Qt Quick Application
        • Select project location > Next
        • Minimal Required Qt version: Qt 5.5 (with ui.qml file) > Next
        • Kit Selection > Only check Qt 5.7.0 for WinRT armv7 > Next
        • Project Management > <None> > Finish
      • Make sure the device is unlocked
      • Build and Start (debug or release)


      WARNING: winrt_manifest_install.path is not defined: install target not created
      WARNING: winrt_manifest_install.path is not defined: install target not created

      Release build:

      winrtrunner --device 0 --start --stop --install --wait 0 d:/Temp/build-qtquickapp-Qt_5_7_0_for_WinRT_armv7-Release/release/qtquickapp.exe
      qt.winrtrunner: Using the AppxPhone profile.
      qt.winrtrunner: Failed to install the package: 0x80073d06 "The package could not be installed because a higher version of this package is already installed."
      qt.winrtrunner: Failed to install package: "Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00"

      Debug build:

      winrtrunner --device 0 --start --stop --install --wait 0 d:/Temp/build-qtquickapp-Qt_5_7_0_for_WinRT_armv7-Debug/debug/qtquickapp.exe
      qt.winrtrunner: Using the AppxPhone profile.
      qt.winrtrunner: No mapping file exists. Only recognized files will be packaged.
      qt.winrtrunner: Failed to start the package: 0x8027025b "The app didn't start."

      On the device for the debug build, a black screen appears and disappear immediately. Same story for Qt Windows Runtime x86/x64 on device emulators. I also tried with --profile appx, but it returns with a "Package not found" error.

      I re-installed VS and Qt/QtCreator but that changes nothing.

      Targeted device:

      • Microsoft Lumia 950 (Dual SIM)
      • Windows 10 Mobile version 1511 (build 10586.420)

      Development Environment:

      • Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version 1511 (build 10586.420)
      • VS 2015 Community version 14.0.25123.00 Update 2
      • Windows Driver Kit (10.0.10586.0)
      • Windows SDK (10.0.10586.212)
      • XamlDebugging Tools disabled
      • QtCreator 4.0.1 (based on Qt 5.6.1 MSVC 2013, 32-bit)
      • Qt 5.7.0 for WinRT armv7 (offical release)
        • ABI: arm-windows-msvc2015-pe-32bit
        • Compiler: Visual C++ 14.0 (x86_arm)
        • Device: Device (default for Windows Phone)




            mkalinow Maurice Kalinowski
            simon.brunel Simon Brunel
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