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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-48286

Qt 5.5 connect fails using new signals and slots syntax with Intel compiler




      Please find the test attached, it should create an app with a visible main window, and set a single shot timer to automatically quit it after running for a second or so.
      It tries to connect a QTimer's timeout signal to the QApplication's quit slot by passing their object pointers and member function pointers to QObject::connect, but that fails to return a valid connection when built for x86_64 with an Intel Compiler (14.0 and 15.0 tested)

      A similar problem was reported against 5.3.1 already, but was closed out:

      The problem exists in the subsequent releases we've tested, up to and including the most recent, 5.5.0.

      The problem is the way the Qt's new overloaded QObject::connect methods try to identify an object's signal from a member function pointer (MFP). It's based on a false assumption that MFP values can be cast to a void* values for equlity comparisons. The ISO C++ standard specifies that casting an MFP to void* is illegal and its behavior undefined. See explanation here:

      Though the mechanism may happen to work with certain compilers (like GCC's) that's unreliable, and looking at GCC 4.8.1's MFP types for x86_64, they are actually 16 bytes, twice the size of a regular pointer (like void*), so only the first half of its data is actually being compared! The Intel compiler's MFP types for x86_64 are also 16 bytes.

      The inline template definitions of the new overloaded QObject::connect methods that currently do the illegal casting seem to have sufficient type information to perform signal identification cleanly if the sender object's known signals were made available as a set of static tables (created by MOC say), one for each distinct signal signature used (C++ allows MFP's of the same type can be compared directly). The tables could be used to map a matched object signal MFP to its signal identifier string (i.e. what the SIGNAL() macro provides in the old syntax) for passing to the core connect implementation.


        1. main.cpp
          3 kB
          Qt Support
        2. test_new_qt5_connect_syntax.pro
          0.0 kB
          Qt Support



            thiago Thiago Macieira
            qtcomsupport Qt Support
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