Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Not Evaluated
According to
If priority is Keys.BeforeItem (default) the order of key event processing is:
1. Items specified in forwardTo
2. specific key handlers, e.g. onReturnPressed
3. onKeyPress, onKeyRelease handlers
4. Item specific key handling, e.g. TextInput key handling
5. parent item
But it seem after forwarding event to item from forwardTo list parent item handles event. If it doesn't accept it event is forwarded to next item from forwardTo list and again to the parent.
[Steps to reproduce]
Try to run attached example and press any key.
[Expected behavior]
Keys.onPressed of item1
Keys.onPressed of item2
Keys.onPressed of item3
Keys.onPressed of button
Keys.onPressed of button's parent
[Actual behavior]
Keys.onPressed of item1
Keys.onPressed of button's parent
Keys.onPressed of item2
Keys.onPressed of button's parent
Keys.onPressed of item3
Keys.onPressed of button's parent
Keys.onPressed of button
Keys.onPressed of button's parent