Resolution: Invalid
P2: Important
5.4.0 Beta, 5.12.7, 5.14.1
Mac OS X 10.9.5, Latest version of the MaintananceTool ('./MaintenanceTool --version' shows: 'IFW Version: "1.5.82", Installer base SHA1: "6254a18", Build date: "Aug 27 2014".')
Also affects Windows 10, Maintenance tool ('./MaintenanceTool.exe --version' shows: 'IFW Version: 3.2.1, built with Qt 5.12.4., Build date: Feb 5 2020, Installer Framework SHA1: f2c6e6a9')Mac OS X 10.9.5, Latest version of the MaintananceTool ('./MaintenanceTool --version' shows: 'IFW Version: "1.5.82", Installer base SHA1: "6254a18", Build date: "Aug 27 2014".') Also affects Windows 10, Maintenance tool ('./MaintenanceTool.exe --version' shows: 'IFW Version: 3.2.1, built with Qt 5.12.4., Build date: Feb 5 2020, Installer Framework SHA1: f2c6e6a9')
It is not possible to uninstall Qt Creator from the MaintananceTool.
In my case I have a problem with QtCreator and would like to reinstall it. Now I have to uninstall all of Qt and install it freshly.
1. Start
2. Select 'Package Manager' and click 'Continue'
3. 'Tool/Qt Creator' is grayed out.