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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-39185

ParticleSystem in Loader crashes when unloaded



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 5.3.0
    • Quick: Particles
    • None


      In our app, we have a ParticleSystem component inside a Loader. Sometimes, when changing the source of the loader to another QML object, the particle system crashes.

      This has happened when running the app both on PC and iOS.

      Here is the backtrace for a crash that happened on iOS:

      dLldb stdout: success="1",output="* thread #1: tid = 0x6338d, 0x002ddd2a myApp`QQuickParticleData::curX(this=0x17f3afd0) const + 18 at qquickparticlesystem.cpp:602, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_ARM_DA_ALIGN, address=0x17f90037)
      d * frame #0: 0x002ddd2a myApp`QQuickParticleData::curX(this=0x17f3afd0) const + 18 at qquickparticlesystem.cpp:602
      d frame #1: 0x002c3254 myApp`QQuickItemParticle::tick(this=0x17f97da0, time=62368) + 628 at qquickitemparticle.cpp:179
      d frame #2: 0x002c489e myApp`QTickAnimationProxy<QQuickItemParticle, &(this=0x17f97ee0, msec=62368))>::updateCurrentTime(int) + 78 at qquickanimation_p_p.h:169
      d frame #3: 0x009b5910 myApp`QAbstractAnimationJob::setCurrentTime(this=0x17f97ee0, msecs=62368) + 500 at qabstractanimationjob.cpp:497
      d frame #4: 0x009b55f8 myApp`QQmlAnimationTimer::updateAnimationsTime(this=0x17f97f30, delta=16) + 196 at qabstractanimationjob.cpp:119
      d frame #5: 0x00ec3e5c myApp`QUnifiedTimer::updateAnimationTimers(this=0x17d6e1f0, currentTick=-1) + 368 at qabstractanimation.cpp:291
      d frame #6: 0x00ec57de myApp`QAnimationDriver::advanceAnimation(this=0x17d6e2f0, timeStep=-1) + 34 at qabstractanimation.cpp:781
      d frame #7: 0x00ec5802 myApp`QAnimationDriver::advance(this=0x17d6e2f0) + 22 at qabstractanimation.cpp:794
      d frame #8: 0x006427fe myApp`QSGThreadedRenderLoop::polishAndSync(this=0x17d6e3c0, w=0x17f1e3d0) + 474 at qsgthreadedrenderloop.cpp:1186
      d frame #9: 0x00642c60 myApp`QSGThreadedRenderLoop::event(this=0x17d6e3c0, e=0x27d71c20) + 168 at qsgthreadedrenderloop.cpp:1235
      d frame #10: 0x010481ca myApp`QCoreApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(this=0x17d6a9b0, receiver=0x17d6e3c0, event=0x27d71c20) + 94 at qcoreapplication.cpp:1052
      d frame #11: 0x01048152 myApp`QCoreApplication::notify(this=0x27df4e8c, receiver=0x17d6e3c0, event=0x27d71c20) + 178 at qcoreapplication.cpp:997
      d frame #12: 0x00c45362 myApp`QGuiApplication::notify(this=0x27df4e8c, object=0x17d6e3c0, event=0x27d71c20) + 158 at qguiapplication.cpp:1457
      d frame #13: 0x01048002 myApp`QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(this=0x27df4e8c, receiver=0x17d6e3c0, event=0x27d71c20) + 250 at qcoreapplication.cpp:935
      d frame #14: 0x00271d4e myApp`QCoreApplication::sendEvent(receiver=0x17d6e3c0, event=0x27d71c20) + 78 at qcoreapplication.h:237
      d frame #15: 0x010b4222 myApp`QTimerInfoList::activateTimers(this=0x17d6c6b0) + 562 at qtimerinfo_unix.cpp:643
      d frame #16: 0x00277fae myApp`QEventDispatcherCoreFoundation::processTimers(this=0x17d6c680, timer=0x17f841d0) + 206 at qeventdispatcher_cf.mm:422
      d frame #17: 0x002785a6 myApp`___ZN30QEventDispatcherCoreFoundation12updateTimersEv_block_invoke(.block_descriptor=<unavailable>, timer=0x17f841d0) + 22 at qeventdispatcher_cf.mm:598
      d frame #18: 0x2e0fbe7e CoreFoundation`_CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_ + 14
      d frame #19: 0x2e0fba9a CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoTimer + 794
      d frame #20: 0x2e0f9e22 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1218
      d frame #21: 0x2e064470 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 524
      d frame #22: 0x2e064252 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunInMode + 106
      d frame #23: 0x32d9e2ea GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 138
      d frame #24: 0x30919844 UIKit`UIApplicationMain + 1136
      d frame #25: 0x0025e16c myApp`main(argc=3, argv=0x27df5ce8) + 504 at qioseventdispatcher.mm:232




            j.ekman Johan
            j.ekman Johan
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