Resolution: Done
P0: Blocker
Download the latest opensource offline Qt5.3.0 linux installer (32bit or 64bit), build number 30.
Install Qt with the default settings.
Error during installing:
Operation 'Execute' with arguments: '//home//qt//tmp//qt5//Tools/QtCreator/bin/sdktool; addKit; --id; qt.53.gcc_64_kit; --name; Desktop Qt 5.3.0 GCC 64bit; --toolchain; x86-linux-generic-elf-64bit; --qt; qt.53.gcc_64; --debuggerengine; 1; --devicetype; Desktop; UNDOEXECUTE; //home//qt//tmp//qt5//Tools/QtCreator/bin/sdktool; rmKit; --id; qt.53.gcc_64_kit' failed: Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: 2): "//home//qt//tmp//qt5//Tools/QtCreator/bin/sdktool addKit --id qt.53.gcc_64_kit --name Desktop Qt 5.3.0 GCC 64bit --toolchain x86-linux-generic-elf-64bit --qt qt.53.gcc_64 --debuggerengine 1 --devicetype Desktop" created warning message box installationErrorWithRetry: 'Installer Error', Error during installation process (qt.53.gcc_64): Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: 2): "//home//qt//tmp//qt5//Tools/QtCreator/bin/sdktool addKit --id qt.53.gcc_64_kit --name Desktop Qt 5.3.0 GCC 64bit --toolchain x86-linux-generic-elf-64bit --qt qt.53.gcc_64 --debuggerengine 1 --devicetype Desktop"
--> see the screen capture & verbose log.
Issue Links
- is replaced by
QTBUG-37065 Issues to be fixed before 5.3.0 RC1 release
- Closed
- relates to
QTCREATORBUG-11983 sdktool rejects ABI toolchain on Mac
- Closed