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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-36973

Special accent keys of US International - PC keyboard on Mac OS X stop working



    • macOS


      When using the "US International - PC" keyboard on Mac OS X (version 10.9.1), if you are editing a file (let's say a C++ source file) on Qt Creator 3.0.1 and the auto-complete feature displays a context pop-up window with suggestions, from that point on the special accent keys of the keyboard stop working – meaning that no character is entered after those keys are pressed.
      To better explain what happens, let's take the following example:
      Create a new C++ source code file and write the following code:
      void func()
      char str

      Right after writing the name of the char variable (str), a context pop-up window should be displayed and the word "structure" be presented as an option for replacing the str variable name. At that point, just dismiss the pop-up window (press ESC). Then, continue writing the code, as follows:
      = "Only a test";

      You will notice that you will not be able to enter the double-quote character, since it is normally entered via one of the special accent keys of the US International - PC keyboard. (When using the US International - PC keyboard, to enter a double-quote character, you need to press Shift-<"> then the space bar.)

      Note that this misbehavior (bug) DOES NOT happen on version 3.0.0 of Qt Creator but only on the newer 3.0.1 version.


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              tpochep Timur Pocheptsov
              claudiosdc Cláudio Sá de Castro
              8 Vote for this issue
              17 Start watching this issue

