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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-35362

Restructure and update license information pages



    • Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 5.3.0
    • None
    • Documentation
    • None


      Documentation structure

      • Division between 3rd party licenses and Other Licenses used in Qt in unclear
        • needs to be reviewed and clarified
      • Must reflect the Qt 5 Module structure
      • Dependencies need to be clear
        • What licenses are included if I use modules X,Y & Z
      • New structure has to be easy to maintain
        • No updating same information to several places
      • Some licenses are specific to certain platform
        • (e.g. activeqt) and that should be visible as well
      • Use a table structure
        • Module
        • 3rd party component
        • Description (i.e. purpose of use)
        • Platform specific?
      • Copyright information
        • Currently might not be 100% up to date and is difficult to maintain
        • Can we remove all Copyright notices from Licensing documentation and provide them in source only. Need to check from legal.
        • A script for extracting copyright information?
      • Trademark information
        • Trademarks might not be 100% up to date
        • Do we have to have the page? Need to check from legal
      • Runtime libraries
        • We have Android GNU C++ Run-time Licensing page because we copy the GNU libstdc++ to APK's
        • We might have same issue with windeployqt in the future
        • A need for page about Runtime library licensing?

      Qt Creator

      • Qt Creator 3rd party stuff should be separated
        • Now e.g. Botan is part of the 3rd party doc
        • Should be divided to different parts e.g. 3rd party modules used in plugins should be separate

      Misc comments

      • Why is the SVG license file a separate page?
      • qtmain and Cocoa are separate pages but they are also included in Other licenses page


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              vertries Nico Vertriest (Inactive)
              treinio Topi Reiniƶ
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