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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-32193

REG: Assert when first drawing unprojected text and then projected text with QPainter.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • 5.1.1
    • 5.1.0 RC2
    • GUI: Text handling
    • None
    • Windows 8, large fonts, MSVC2012/64
    • b5520af6a9360d0032b6a54b1492147462cff91a


      bool qtransform_equals_no_translate(const QTransform &a, const QTransform &b) is called with 2 transforms of type TxProject and then asserts.

      ********* Start testing of tst_QStaticText *********
      Config: Using QtTest library 5.1.0, Qt 5.1.0
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::initTestCase()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::constructionAndDestruction()
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToPoint(Moderate caching) Compared values are not
      the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(187) : failure location
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToPoint(Aggressive caching) Compared values are no
      t the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(187) : failure location
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToRect(Moderate caching) Compared values are not t
      he same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(227) : failure location
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToRect(Aggressive caching) Compared values are not
       the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(227) : failure location
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::setFont() Compared values are not the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(333) : failure location
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::setTextWidth() Compared values are not the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(356) : failure location
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::prepareToCorrectData()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::prepareToWrongData()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::copyConstructor()
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::translatedPainter() Compared values are not the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(383) : failure location
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::rotatedPainter() Compared values are not the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(423) : failure location
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::scaledPainter() Compared values are not the same
      tst_qstatictext.cpp(453) : failure location
      QFATAL : tst_QStaticText::projectedPainter() ASSERT: "b.type() < QTransform::TxP
      roject" in file text\qfontengine.cpp, line 63
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::projectedPainter() Received a fatal error.
      Unknown file(0) : failure location
      Totals: 5 passed, 10 failed, 0 skipped
      ********* Finished testing of tst_QStaticText *********


      0	QMessageLogger::fatal	qlogging.cpp	352	0x6ad08440	
      1	qt_assert	qglobal.cpp	2015	0x6ad009f2	
      2	qtransform_equals_no_translate	qfontengine.cpp	63	0x7f8dbb059f1	
      3	QFontEngine::glyphCache	qfontengine.cpp	876	0x7f8dbb01a3f	
      4	QRasterPaintEngine::drawCachedGlyphs	qpaintengine_raster.cpp	2820	0x7f8dbcf94a3	
      5	QRasterPaintEngine::drawTextItem	qpaintengine_raster.cpp	3081	0x7f8dbcf7048	
      6	QPainterPrivate::drawTextItem	qpainter.cpp	6473	0x7f8dbd20f7d	
      7	QPainter::drawTextItem	qpainter.cpp	6343	0x7f8dbd1b8c9	
      8	QPainter::drawText	qpainter.cpp	5913	0x7f8dbd1b194	
      9	QPainter::drawText	qpainter.cpp	5694	0x7f8dbd1a8e2	
      10	QPainter::drawText	qpainter.h	892	0x7f8db952343	
      11	tst_QStaticText::projectedPainter	tst_qstatictext.cpp	467	0x7f73c6247b3	
      12	tst_QStaticText::qt_static_metacall	tst_qstatictext.moc	176	0x7f73c621ac1	
      13	QMetaMethod::invoke	qmetaobject.cpp	2157	0x6b0f49cd	
      14	QMetaObject::invokeMethod	qmetaobject.cpp	1463	0x6b0f38bd	
      15	QMetaObject::invokeMethod	qobjectdefs.h	396	0x6acdec39	
      16	QTest::qInvokeTestMethodDataEntry	qtestcase.cpp	1697	0x7f8dc307024	
      17	QTest::qInvokeTestMethod	qtestcase.cpp	1824	0x7f8dc30787d	
      18	QTest::qInvokeTestMethods	qtestcase.cpp	1976	0x7f8dc307f8e	
      19	QTest::qExec	qtestcase.cpp	2189	0x7f8dc302fbf	
      20	main	tst_qstatictext.cpp	854	0x7f73c626d5a	
      21	__tmainCRTStartup	crtexe.c	536	0x7f73c62c95d	
      22	mainCRTStartup	crtexe.c	377	0x7f73c62ca8e	
      23	BaseThreadInitThunk	KERNEL32		0x7f8f0fa1832	
      24	RtlUserThreadStart	ntdll		0x7f8f231d609	

      Note: Further tests fail apparently due to large font setting.


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              esabraha Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
              kleint Friedemann Kleint
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