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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-29986

Qt Mobility multimedia + Phonon: Widget overlay on video / Mac OS



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 4.8.4
    • None
    • Mac OS
    • macOS


      Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope.

      I have in vain tried to add an overlay widget on top of both a Phonon video and a Mobility Multimedia video. I have tried:

      • QStackedLayout
      • QWidget::stackUnder()
      • Subclassing Phonon::VideoWidget and adding a QWidget as a child, updating the object on various parent events

      ...with a great number of variations based on others having the same problem around on the forums. It seems that on some platforms/backends it works, on others not. The problem is always that when playback starts, the video obscures the widget.

      I think I understand that this depends on the system backend (at least that's what some clever heads on StackOverflow claims), but what I don't understand is why this is not "abstracted away". I mean, one of the reasons to use a framework like Qt would be to not having to deal with low level problems like that.

      Adding an overlay to a video widget is a very obvious use pattern, I believe. I would greatly, greatly appreciate input on how to solve this or at least make a workaround, as this problem is killing me slowly but surely.




            janichol Andy Nichols
            zumteufel Jan Faroe
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

