Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
P2: Important
Ubuntu 10.04 x86
Analysis of the last 240 CI runs for Ubuntu 10.04 (builds 2352 to 2591) shows that this test has a stable failure in tst_QUdpSocket::multicastTtlOption(), a variety of unstable crashes and failures (see attachment), and inconsistent skipping of at least one test function (see second example below).
Unable to find source-code formatter for language: stable failure. Available languages are: actionscript, ada, applescript, bash, c, c#, c++, cpp, css, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, html, java, javascript, js, json, lua, none, nyan, objc, perl, php, python, r, rainbow, ruby, scala, sh, sql, swift, visualbasic, xml, yaml
Testing tst_QUdpSocket FAIL! : tst_QUdpSocket::multicastTtlOption(WithoutProxy::: 1024) Compared values are not the same Actual (udpSocket.socketOption(QUdpSocket::MulticastTtlOption).toInt()): 64 Expected (expected): 1 Loc: [../tst_qudpsocket.cpp(1066)] Totals: 148 passed, 1 failed, 11 skipped
inconsistent pass and skip counts on consecutive test runs of the same build
3/29/12 4:22:21 AM EST: Testing tst_QUdpSocket
3/29/12 4:22:56 AM EST: FAIL! : tst_QUdpSocket::multicastTtlOption(WithoutProxy::: 1024) Compared values are not the same
3/29/12 4:22:56 AM EST: Actual (udpSocket.socketOption(QUdpSocket::MulticastTtlOption).toInt()): 64
3/29/12 4:22:56 AM EST: Expected (expected): 1
3/29/12 4:22:56 AM EST: Loc: [../tst_qudpsocket.cpp(1065)]
3/29/12 4:23:01 AM EST: Totals: 144 passed, 1 failed, 11 skipped
3/29/12 4:23:01 AM EST: QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
3/29/12 4:23:01 AM EST: Testing tst_QUdpSocket
3/29/12 4:23:41 AM EST: FAIL! : tst_QUdpSocket::multicastTtlOption(WithoutProxy::: 1024) Compared values are not the same
3/29/12 4:23:41 AM EST: Actual (udpSocket.socketOption(QUdpSocket::MulticastTtlOption).toInt()): 64
3/29/12 4:23:41 AM EST: Expected (expected): 1
3/29/12 4:23:41 AM EST: Loc: [../tst_qudpsocket.cpp(1065)]
3/29/12 4:23:43 AM EST: Totals: 145 passed, 1 failed, 10 skipped
3/29/12 4:23:43 AM EST: QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failure could be reproduced twice consecutively
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-35034 network: fix failing auto tests on new network test server
- Closed
- resulted in
QTBUG-52714 [REG 5.5->5.6] Network/sockets tests regressing (tst_QUdpSocket, mostly)
- Reported