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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-22127

Qt3D issues (as of TP2) - Behavior Not consistent across vendors



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P2: Important
    • Some future release
    • Qt3D TP2
    • Qt3D
    • win32-mingw
    • 16


      I wrote a small QML application in QML with just a touch of C++. It works flawlessly on my computer (ATI Radeon HD 4200) but on another computer (NVIDIA geForce 230M )it has several issues. This app feaures a single model and a Video element

      1. Coordinate axis are not the same. I oriented a model properly using Transforms (face-on). When ran on the NVIDIA system I was looking at the bottom of the model.
      2. The Viewport does not behave as the 2D Declarative. It won't resize itself when the parent resizes, even when using anchors.fill: parent.
      3. Using the 3D Declarive engine causes the Video to be vertically flipped. Switching back to the 2D engine it works. Note that opengl is not being used on the 2D version.
      4. a) The model file is OBJ, with a MTL that specifies textures. The textures with ATI works fine. The NVIDIA does not show the textures.
      b) The texture files cannot have a space anywhere in the path, else they won't be applied
      5. The ATI is missing surfaces which are present in the NVIDIA rendering. Culling is turned off.

      While some of this could be blamed on "drivers" I think that Qt3D has to share some of the blame as Qt is responsible for the abstraction, like say for an axis order in a vector. I updated to the latest drivers from NVIDIA, and still no joy.


        1. Test3D.zip
          20 kB
          Jason Hihn



            debhal Julian de Bhal (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            scorp1us Jason Hihn
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

