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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-21290

tst_qstatictext is broken



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 5.0.0
    • GUI: Painting
    • None
    • qtbase refactor 50c90e307302ba903e651c5d34347722948f1854
      Qt configured with-qpa
      Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit


      tst_qstatictext is broken in several places on Linux:

      jasplin@barbarella:~/dev/qtbase_refactor/tests/auto/gui/text/qstatictext$ ./tst_qstatictext 
      No platform plugin argument was specified, defaulting to "xcb".
      Successfully connected to display :0
      Information of screen 346:
        width.........: 1920
        height........: 1200
        depth.........: 24
        white pixel...: ffffff
        black pixel...: 0
      Running window manager: Compiz
      QIBusPlatformInputContext: ibus config file '/home/jasplin/.config/ibus/bus/16dfb656befe67be8bbad77800000008-unix-0' does not exist.
      QIBusPlatformInputContext: not connected.
      ********* Start testing of tst_QStaticText *********
      Config: Using QTest library 5.0.0, Qt 5.0.0
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::initTestCase()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::constructionAndDestruction()
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToPoint(Moderate caching) Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(188)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToPoint(Aggressive caching) Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(188)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToRect(Moderate caching) Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(228)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawToRect(Aggressive caching) Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(228)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::setFont() Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(337)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::setTextWidth() Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(360)]
      XFAIL  : tst_QStaticText::prepareToCorrectData() QTBUG-20977 fails on qpa
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(265)]
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::prepareToCorrectData()
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::prepareToWrongData() Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(296)]
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::copyConstructor()
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::translatedPainter() Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(387)]
      XFAIL  : tst_QStaticText::rotatedPainter() Graphics system does not support transformed text on this platform
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(438)]
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::rotatedPainter()
      XFAIL  : tst_QStaticText::scaledPainter() Graphics system does not support transformed text on this platform
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(468)]
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::scaledPainter()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::projectedPainter()
      XFAIL  : tst_QStaticText::transformationChanged() Graphics system does not support transformed text on this platform
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(595)]
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::transformationChanged()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::plainTextVsRichText()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::setPenPlainText()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::setPenRichText()
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::richTextOverridesPen()
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawStruckOutText() Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(754)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawOverlinedText() Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(789)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::drawUnderlinedText() Compared values are not the same
         Loc: [tst_qstatictext.cpp(823)]
      PASS   : tst_QStaticText::unprintableCharacter_qtbug12614()
      QFATAL : tst_QStaticText::underlinedColor_qtbug20159() Received signal 11
      FAIL!  : tst_QStaticText::underlinedColor_qtbug20159() Received a fatal error.
         Loc: [Unknown file(0)]
      Totals: 13 passed, 12 failed, 0 skipped
      ********* Finished testing of tst_QStaticText *********
      Aborted (core dumped)


      As an (arbitrarily chosen) example, the test function drawStruckOutText fails to generate identical images, but they're only slightly different:


        1. Screenshot.png
          35 kB
          Jo Asplin

        Issue Links



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              bdo Jo Asplin (Inactive)
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