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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-12362

Phonon::MediaObject metaData() and Phonon::BackendCapabilities::availableAudioEffects().at(someIndex).description() not working



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P4: Low
    • None
    • 4.6.2
    • (Inactive) Phonon
    • None
    • Windows XP SP3


      Hello. This is again me It took me a phonon, and I decided to put it together. Assembling all qt with parameters

      configure-debug-shared-no-qt3support-qt-gif-qt-libpng-qt-libmng-qt-libtiff-qt-libjpeg-no-dsp-no-vcproj - platform

      win32-g + +-phonon - phonon-backend-multimedia-audio-backend-no-webkit-qt-sql-sqlite-no-script-no-scripttools

      gave the result that all good compile, but the plug-phonon - no. Then I climb up the sites and found the

      instruction of Qt:

      Subject: =?utf-8?Q?uilding=20the=20Phonon=20backend=20plugin=20on=20Windows=20using=20MinGW=20-=20QtCentreWiki?=MIME-Version: 1.0 .

      I did: downloaded the file from the link as in the manual:
      All needed files, tools and commands are gathered there. update: use the last version of the package (3MB):


      then I ran the script from the archive and did everything according to instructions (archive files before the
      installation, I copy the directory where the required them to libraries.) with the script, he said that the first 2
      files with the same version. I did not replace them. everything went smoothly.

      Then I edited the project file is identical to the written:

      1. Edit src/plugins/phonon/ds9/ds9.pro - make the beginning look like this:

      DESTDIR = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/plugins/phonon_backend
      QT += phonon
      win32:!win32-g++:!wince:contains(QT_CONFIG,opengl):LIBS += opengl32.lib
      win32:!win32-g++:!wince:LIBS += gdi32.lib
      !win32-g++*:win32-msvc2005:DEFINES += _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
      !win32-g++*:LIBS += strmiids.lib Dmoguids.lib uuid.lib msdmo.lib
      win32-g++*:contains(QT_CONFIG,opengl):LIBS += -lopengl32
      win32-g++*:LIBS += -lgdi32 -lstrmiids -lDmoguids -luuid -lmsdmo -lole32 -loleaut32
      TARGET = phonon_ds9
      PHONON_DS9_DIR = $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/3rdparty/phonon/ds9
      INCLUDEPATH += path/to/kdewin32/include/directx

      All this I did. then compile the project file. As a result, I was able to compile the examples that Qt Phonon:
      qmediaplayer and qmusicplayer. Sound and video are working perfectly well and in general to compile my own project,
      and these two are no errors. But the problem is that they can not get the metadata using Phonon:: MediaObject
      metaData (). The posts remain empty - I just did, but the data can not be read at all, and these 2 examples, too,
      can not count them (although the version that comes with creators they were originally compiled and there
      everything is working properly). In what may be a mistake, because assembly All components passed correctly?

      Screenshot enclosed.

      26.07.2010 :

      add that of all the tag "TITLE" why something works (perhaps it is responsible for another library, or no phonon). well, I once again checked that the selected tag my files are filled (ie, year, album, artist, etc.)

      Also in the example of Capabilities for all the effects of empty description!

      Screenshots and source code enclosed.




            jmcphers Justin McPherson (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
            svalkadoma svalkadoma
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