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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-112747

Unable to run configure.bat



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 6.5.0
    • Build System: CMake
    • None
    • Windows 10
    • Windows


      Configure output below. I tried various options with the zlib (qt, system, none); all yielded similar results.

      c:\Qt\6.5.0\Src\qtbase>.\configure.bat -top-level -release -opensource -confirm-license -prefix c:\qt\6.5.0_static
      -- Windows 10 SDK version:
      'C:/Qt/Tools/CMake_64/bin/cmake.exe' '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:/qt/6.5.0_static' '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release' '-G' 'Ninja' 'C:/Qt/6.5.0/Src'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtbase'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtimageformats'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtlanguageserver'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtshadertools'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtsvg'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtdeclarative'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtquicktimeline'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtquick3d'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtmultimedia'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qt3d'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qt5compat'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtactiveqt'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtcharts'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtcoap'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtconnectivity'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtdatavis3d'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtwebsockets'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qthttpserver'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qttools'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtserialport'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtpositioning'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtwebchannel'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtdoc'
      -- Skipping optional dependency 'qtwebengine' of 'qtdoc', because building 'qtwebengine' was explicitly disabled.
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtgrpc'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtinsighttracker'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtlocation'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtlottie'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtmqtt'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtnetworkauth'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtopcua'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtquick3dphysics'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtquickeffectmaker'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtremoteobjects'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtscxml'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtsensors'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtserialbus'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtspeech'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qttranslations'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtvirtualkeyboard'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtwayland'
      -- Checking dependencies of submodule 'qtwebview'
      -- Skipping optional dependency 'qtwebengine' of 'qtwebview', because building 'qtwebengine' was explicitly disabled.
      -- Configuring submodule 'qtbase'
                  -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE=-DNDEBUG -O2
      CMake Error at qtbase/cmake/QtSyncQtHelpers.cmake:235 (message):
        syncqt.cpp failed for module QtZlib:
      Call Stack (most recent call first):
        qtbase/cmake/QtModuleHelpers.cmake:871 (qt_internal_target_sync_headers)
        qtbase/cmake/QtScopeFinalizerHelpers.cmake:24:EVAL:1 (qt_finalize_module)




            semlanik Alexey Edelev
            mzimmers Michael Zimmers
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

