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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-112435

QfileDialog - file name is not input



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 5.15.6
    • GUI: Text handling
    • None


      i have a automation test step fail to open file since upgraded from version 5.15.2 to 5.15.6.
      The test clicks "open folder" button (success) then the dialog just stays there forever.

      At working version 5.15.2 , the test log captured

      aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(Qt) found")


      5.15.6 logs failed:

      2023-03-29    17:55:25.757    5    [CLUSTER_LINE]    wait    20
      2023-03-29    17:55:25.840    5    [ACTIONWORD]    wait    20
      2023-03-29    17:55:25.840    5    [REPORT_COMMENT]    waiting 20
      2023-03-29    17:55:46.658    6    [CLUSTER_LINE]    FileDialog.openFile    Open Saved Test Items    C:\Program Files\TestProgram\TEST\
      2023-03-29    17:55:46.750    6    [ACTIONWORD]    FileDialog.openFile    Open Saved Test Items    C:\Program Files\TestProgram\TEST\
      2023-03-29    17:56:22.292    6    [REPORT_ERROR]    [ERROR]    Exception <class 'aspi.qttest.WindowNotFoundError'>,  



      Below is the script and class:


      test case    Debug
      TabBar.selectByToolTip    Test Store    qt_tabwidget_tabbar    &memlist_tooltip
      LaunchPopup    TOOLBUTTON    Widget:Test Store    FileOpen_action_button    Open Saved Test Items
      wait    20
      FileDialog.openFile    Open Saved Test Items    C:\Program Files\TestProgram\TEST\
      if    &input    ==    TEST
      ToolButton.click    Widget:Frequency Store    Export_action_button
      wait    10
      end if


      class FileDialog(Widget) :
          classname = "QFileDialog"    @classmethod
          def openFile(clss, window, widget, item = "") :
              if item != "" :
                  waitForWindow(window, 2)
                  if os.path.isfile(item) :
                      activate(window, widget, item)
                  else :
                      aspilog.reportError(item + " doesn't exist.")
                      try :
                          activate(window, "Cancel")
                      except qttest.WidgetNotFoundError :
                          activate(window, "Cancel_dialog_button")        else :
                  # for a native windows implementation of QFileDialog
                  if Application.getContext() == None :
                      raise ApplicationNotDefinedError
                  else :
                      item = widget
                      import pywinauto                # On a VMware virtual machine the code works successfully only if the file dialog window
                      # is fully assembled. We will wait 5 seconds.
                      time.sleep(5)                item = os.path.normpath(item)
                      app = pywinauto.application.Application()
                      app.connect(process = Application.getContext().pid())                # for a native file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is #32770
                      # for a Qt4 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is QWidget
                      # for a Qt5 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5QWindowIcon
                      # for a Qt5.15.2 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5152QWindowIcon
                      win = app.window_(title=str(window), class_name_re='QWidget|Qt5QWindowIcon|Qt5152QWindowIcon|#32770', visible_only=True)
                      try :
                          win.Wait('ready', timeout=180)
                      except pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError :
                          raise qttest.WindowNotFoundError                if win.FriendlyClassName() not in ('QWidget', 'Qt5QWindowIcon', 'Qt5152QWindowIcon') :
                          # the native windows implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                          aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(native) found")                    for i in range(120) :
                              if win.Edit.TextBlock() == str(item) :
                                  break                    if os.path.isfile(item) :
                          else :
                              aspilog.reportError(item + " doesn't exist.")                else :
                          # the Qt implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                          aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(Qt) found")
                          try :
                              if os.path.isfile(item) :
                                  LineEdit.enterText(window, "fileNameEdit", item)
                              else :
                                  aspilog.reportError(item + " doesn't exist.")
                                  # close the file dialog
                                  try :
                                      PushButton.click(window, "Cancel")
                                  except qttest.WidgetNotFoundError :
                                      PushButton.click(window, "Cancel_dialog_button")
                          except :
                              aspilog.reportError("Could not enter file name")
                              # close the file dialog
                              try :
                                  PushButton.click(window, "Cancel")
                              except qttest.WidgetNotFoundError :
                                  PushButton.click(window, "Cancel_dialog_button")
                      # the file dialog should now be closed
                      try :
                          win.WaitNot('visible', timeout=30)
                          aspilog.reportComment("FileDialog closed")
                      except pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError :
                          aspilog.reportError("FileDialog not closed")    @classmethod
          def saveFile(clss, window, widget, item = "") :
              if item != "" :
                  try :
                  except :
                      pass            waitForWindow(window, 2)
                  activate(window, widget, item)        else :
                  # for a native windows implementation of QFileDialog
                  if Application.getContext() == None :
                      raise ApplicationNotDefinedError
                  else :
                      item = widget
                      import pywinauto                try :
                      except :
                          pass                # On a VMware virtual machine the code works successfully only if the file dialog window
                      # is fully assembled. We will wait 5 seconds.
                      time.sleep(5)                item = os.path.normpath(item)
                      app = pywinauto.application.Application()
                      app.connect(process = Application.getContext().pid())                # for a native file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is #32770
                      # for a Qt4 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is QWidget
                      # for a Qt5 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5QWindowIcon
                      # for a Qt5.15.2 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5152QWindowIcon
                      win = app.window_(title=str(window), class_name_re='QWidget|Qt5QWindowIcon|Qt5152QWindowIcon|#32770', visible_only=True)
                      try :
                          win.Wait('ready', timeout=180)
                      except pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError :
                          raise qttest.WindowNotFoundError                if win.FriendlyClassName() not in ('QWidget', 'Qt5QWindowIcon', 'Qt5152QWindowIcon') :
                          # the native windows implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                          aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(native) found")                    for i in range(120) :
                              if win.Edit.TextBlock() == str(item) :
                                  break                    win.Button.SetFocus()
                          win.Button.ClickInput()                else :
                          # the Qt implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                          aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(Qt) found")
                          try :
                              LineEdit.enterText(window, "fileNameEdit", item)
                          except :
                              aspilog.reportError("Could not enter file name")
                              # close the file dialog
                              try :
                                  PushButton.click(window, "Cancel")
                              except qttest.WidgetNotFoundError :
                                  PushButton.click(window, "Cancel_dialog_button")
                      # the file dialog should now be closed
                      try :
                          win.WaitNot('visible', timeout=30)
                          aspilog.reportComment("FileDialog closed")
                      except pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError :
                          aspilog.reportError("FileDialog not closed")    @classmethod
          def setTypeFilter(clss, window, value = "") :
              if Application.getContext() == None :
                  raise ApplicationNotDefinedError
              else :
                  import pywinauto            app = pywinauto.application.Application()
                  app.connect(process = Application.getContext().pid())            # for a native file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is #32770
                  # for a Qt4 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is QWidget
                  # for a Qt5 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5QWindowIcon
                  # for a Qt5.15.2 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5152QWindowIcon
                  win = app.window_(title=str(window), class_name_re='QWidget|Qt5QWindowIcon|Qt5152QWindowIcon|#32770', visible_only=True)
                  try :
                      win.Wait('ready', timeout=180)
                  except pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError :
                      raise qttest.WindowNotFoundError            if win.FriendlyClassName() not in ('QWidget', 'Qt5QWindowIcon', 'Qt5152QWindowIcon') :
                      # the native windows implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                      aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(native) found")                win.ComboBox2.SetFocus()
                      try :
                      except ValueError :
                          aspilog.reportError(value + " not found, entries are " + str(win.ComboBox2.ItemTexts()))            else :
                      # the Qt implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                      aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(Qt) found")
                      ComboBox.activateText(window, "fileTypeCombo", value)    @classmethod
          def checkTypeFilter(clss, window, value = "") :
              if Application.getContext() == None :
                  raise ApplicationNotDefinedError
              else :
                  import pywinauto            app = pywinauto.application.Application()
                  app.connect(process = Application.getContext().pid())            # for a native file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is #32770
                  # for a Qt4 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is QWidget
                  # for a Qt5 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5QWindowIcon
                  # for a Qt5.15.2 file dialog implementation the class name of the dialog box is Qt5152QWindowIcon
                  win = app.window_(title=str(window), class_name_re='QWidget|Qt5QWindowIcon|Qt5152QWindowIcon|#32770', visible_only=True)
                  try :
                      win.Wait('ready', timeout=180)
                  except pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError :
                      raise qttest.WindowNotFoundError            if win.FriendlyClassName() not in ('QWidget', 'Qt5QWindowIcon', 'Qt5152QWindowIcon') :
                      # the native windows implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                      aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(native) found")                if value != win.ComboBox2.WindowText() :
                          aspilog.reportError(win.ComboBox2.windowText())            else :
                      # the Qt implementation of the QFileDialog is used
                      aspilog.reportComment("QFileDialog(Qt) found")
                      ComboBox.checkProperty(window, "fileTypeCombo", "currentText", value)





            esabraha Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
            testerjy jean gan
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