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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-112249

Web Dashboard Issues: Slow Updating and Missing Events on Qt Insight Tracker Dashboard



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • 6.2.8
    • Qt Insight Tracker
    • None
    • iOS/tvOS/watchOS, macOS


      Description :

      I have noticed a couple of issues with the web-based dashboard on the Qt Insight Tracker. Firstly, the charts take quite a while (1-2 hours) to update with the latest data from the app, while the dropdowns populate quickly. Secondly, events aren't showing up on the chart, despite being sent to the server by the app. I have tried this repeatedly, and there are no error messages. I am using macOS and IOS versions of the app.

      console output macOS:


      14:55:35: Starting /Users/alberrizwan/Qt/Examples/Qt-6.2.8/insighttracker/build-quickcontrols-Qt_6_2_8_for_macOS-Debug/quickcontrols.app/Contents/MacOS/quickcontrols... QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. qt.qpa.fonts: Populating font family aliases took 156 ms. Replace uses of missing font family "Roboto" with one that exists to avoid this cost.  qt.insight.config: Using configurations from: ":/qtinsight.conf" qt.insight.qml: QML analytics interface available: false qt.insight: Enabling Qt Insight Tracker qt.insight.events: The user identifier: "5d8e0333-c830-4eb8-98b0-5d71f501198f" qt.insight.events: Using new session id: "7ca552b9-6788-4df8-87d4-f5234d7ae8b4" qt.insight.events: Sending events to "https://collect-insight.qt.io/com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/tp2" qt.insight.storage: Using event storage: "/Users/alberrizwan/Library/Application Support/quickcontrols/RwZ99DBIoohwgEycOfIJwukKOqTj0t1mCUFZTUr32oVBaQFCRF4z8cT4mnNlzAih.db" qt.insight.events: Last sync at QDateTime(2023-03-23 14:55:06.884 IST Qt::LocalTime) 32 seconds ago. qt.insight.events: New event (731 bytes) {"aid":"quickcontrols","co":"{\"data\":[{\"data\":{\"model\":\"some model\",\"screen_resolution\":\"1920x1080\",\"screen_type\":\"NON_TOUCH\",\"variant\":\"v\"},\"schema\":\"iglu:io.qt/device/jsonschema/1-0-0\"},{\"data\":{\"build\":\"1.2.3\",\"last_shutdown\":false,\"qt_version\":\"6.2.8\",\"version\":\"6.2.8\"},\"schema\":\"iglu:io.qt/application/jsonschema/1-0-1\"}],\"schema\":\"iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/contexts/jsonschema/1-0-0\"}","dtm":"1679563539214","duid":"5d8e0333-c830-4eb8-98b0-5d71f501198f","e":"ue","eid":"62bc9e0e-8b21-49c4-971a-b6f8543d9982","lang":"en_IN","p":"pc","sid":"7ca552b9-6788-4df8-87d4-f5234d7ae8b4","tna":"RwZ99DBIoohwgEycOfIJwukKOqTj0t1mCUFZTUr32oVBaQFCRF4z8cT4mnNlzAih","tv":"qt-1.0.0"} qt.insight.storage: Added a new event qt.insight.events: Sending 1 events in 819 bytes qt.insight.events: Events have been sent successfully. qt.insight.events: Remove sent events from storage. qt.insight.storage: Removed events QSet(1) qt.insight.events: All events sent at "Thu Mar 23 14:56:10 2023" qt.insight.events: All events sent at "Thu Mar 23 14:57:10 2023" qt.insight.events: All events sent at "Thu Mar 23 14:58:10 2023" 


      console output iOS simulator:

      17:56:51: Starting remote process.
      QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
      qt.insight.config: Using configurations from: ":/qtinsight.conf"
      qt.insight.qml: QML analytics interface available: false
      stale focus object 0x0 , doing manual update
      stale focus object 0x600000275a00 , doing manual update
      qt.insight: Enabling Qt Insight Tracker
      qt.insight.events: No user identifier was found, generated a new one: "39e31be9-a6d9-4b05-8808-27f456e24302"
      qt.insight.events: Using new session id: "9c80c7ce-193a-4a90-8ccb-fb9a1fbe1f23"
      qt.insight.events: Sending events to "https://collect-insight.qt.io/com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/tp2"
      qt.insight.storage: Using event storage: "/Users/alberrizwan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/ADF4510D-A2FC-429F-8568-D5E3988434AD/data/Containers/Data/Application/C2F239EE-5B81-468D-A348-909708119439/Library/Application Support/quickcontrols/RwZ99DBIoohwgEycOfIJwukKOqTj0t1mCUFZTUr32oVBaQFCRF4z8cT4mnNlzAih.db"
      qt.insight.events: New event (729 bytes) {"aid":"quickcontrols","co":"{\"data\":[{\"data\":{\"model\":\"some model\",\"screen_resolution\":\"375x667\",\"screen_type\":\"NON_TOUCH\",\"variant\":\"v\"},\"schema\":\"iglu:io.qt/device/jsonschema/1-0-0\"},{\"data\":{\"build\":\"1.2.3\",\"last_shutdown\":false,\"qt_version\":\"6.2.8\",\"version\":\"6.2.8\"},\"schema\":\"iglu:io.qt/application/jsonschema/1-0-1\"}],\"schema\":\"iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/contexts/jsonschema/1-0-0\"}","dtm":"1679574444173","duid":"39e31be9-a6d9-4b05-8808-27f456e24302","e":"ue","eid":"a1bfe931-1769-405e-863d-d44df879f60f","lang":"en_US","p":"pc","sid":"9c80c7ce-193a-4a90-8ccb-fb9a1fbe1f23","tna":"RwZ99DBIoohwgEycOfIJwukKOqTj0t1mCUFZTUr32oVBaQFCRF4z8cT4mnNlzAih","tv":"qt-1.0.0"}
      qt.insight.storage: Added a new event
      qt.insight.events: Sending 1 events in 817 bytes
      qt.insight.events: Events have been sent successfully.
      qt.insight.events: Remove sent events from storage.
      qt.insight.storage: Removed events QSet(1)
      qt.insight.events: All events sent at "Thu Mar 23 17:58:28 2023"
      qt.insight.events: All events sent at "Thu Mar 23 17:59:28 2023"
      qt.insight.events: All events sent at "Thu Mar 23 18:00:28 2023"
      qt.insight.events: All events sent at "Thu Mar 23 18:01:28 2023"

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open the Qt insight tracker example  
      2. Edit the qtinsight.conf file to update the token field with your generated token.
      3. Build and deploy the Qt Insight Tracker app.
      4. Open the Qt Insight Tracker web Dashboard. click here 
      5. Navigate to the dashboard page that should be displaying data.
      6. Observe that the dropdowns populate quickly, but it takes 1-2 hours for the charts to populate with the latest data sent to the server by the Qt Insight Tracker app.
      7. Note that events are not being shown on the chart, despite being sent by the Qt Insight Tracker app to the server.


      Expected behavior: The dashboard should update in a timely manner and display the latest data sent to the server by the Qt Insight Tracker app, including events on the chart.

      Actual behavior: The dashboard is slow to update and may take a significant amount of time to display the latest data sent to the server by the Qt Insight Tracker app. This slow updating leads to a poor user experience and may impact the ability of users to monitor the application Statistics effectively. Additionally, events sent by the Qt Insight Tracker app are not being shown on the chart, despite being sent to the server.

      Note: Kindly refer to the attached Images and qtinsight.conf file for reference, and Kindly let me know if I can provide more information, Thanks!


        1. App-image on IOS Simulators.png
          148 kB
          Alber Rizwan
        2. App-image on macOS.png
          78 kB
          Alber Rizwan
        3. error-image.png
          366 kB
          Alber Rizwan
        4. qtinsight.conf
          0.5 kB
          Alber Rizwan

        Issue Links



              sapiippo Samuli Piippo
              alrizwan Alber Rizwan
              1 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

