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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-111034

Easy REST with Qt



    • User Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • 6.7
    • 6.4.0
    • Network


      It is technically possible to use RESTful API of all kinds. The experience also shows that developers perceive that they have to write too much boilerplate code to use REST, and a lot of this code repeats all over if just one more API has been added. As Qt is known for its "code less, create more" mindset, we cannot accept this situation. With Qt, it should rather be "code less, REST more"  

      For this user story, we should review various approaches to use Qt for accessing but also for providing REST-based API. The target is to create a selection of new helpers and let it be just examples or new API, to reduce the amount of boilerplate code to a minimum. 

      It should not be forgotten that there are two fundamentally different types of APIs:

      1. Pre-defined API, which you cannot change but have to use
      2. API which you create and so can define its semantics and syntax

      Both are applicable for REST. Some works have already been started for #1. More to come.

      Please link related tasks to this user story.




            cnn Qt Core & Network
            vminenko Vladimir Minenko
            Vladimir Minenko Vladimir Minenko
            Alex Blasche Alex Blasche
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

