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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-110717

ListView is not emitting changes during load



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 5.15.7
    • Quick: Other
    • None


      When we have a listmodel and listview is currently not completed yet, but before append an element, we don't get a model count change message.

      Somehow this makes sense, as the list is just not ready yet, but when we're listening to count changes or current item changes, the rest of our code is not reflecting the changes either if changes are not emitted.

      With the following example, I had three different approaches and three different outcomes:


      Item {       
          Timer {
              id: _addTimer
              interval: 100
              onTriggered: {
                  console.error("ListViewDebug: append element to model from timer.");
          ListElement { id: _toAdd }
          ListModel {
              id: theModel
              ListElement {}
              ListElement {}
              // ... several of them
          ListView {
              id: _listview
              anchors.fill: parent
              anchors.margins: 20
              clip: true
              model: theModel
              delegate: _myDelegate
              spacing: 5
              Component.onCompleted: {
                  console.error("ListViewDebug: Listview completed");
              // we could probably just check for onCountChanged now that I add that example ...
              property int modelCount: model.count
              property bool first: true
              onModelCountChanged: {
                  console.error("ListViewDebug: Model count changed to " + modelCount);
                  if (first) {
                      // SECOND + THIRD APPROACH -- insert element here                                     
                      // _listview.model.insert(0, _toAdd);
                      first = false;
              onModelChanged: {
                  console.error("ListViewDebug: model changed completd" + model.count);
                  // THIRD APPROACH -- start timer
                  // _addTimer.restart();
              onCurrentItemChanged: {
                  console.error("ListViewDebug: current item changed: " + currentItem);
                  // FIRST APPROACH -- insert element here
                  // _listview.model.insert(0, _toAdd);
          Component {
              id: _myDelegate
              Rectangle {
                  id: _rect
                  width: 120
                  height: 32
                  color: "blue"
                  Component.onCompleted: {
                      _rect.color = "red";
                      _rect.opacity = Qt.binding(function () { return _listview.currentItem === this ? 1.0 : 0.5 });



      First case: I insert an element directly on currentItemChanged – outcome: we have a list and the second element is highlighted (=current item) and we see a model count update in the logs.

      Second case: I insert the element directly on modelCountChanged. Outcome – the first element stays currentItem and we don't see a model count update.

      Third case: I insert the element (as before) on modelCountChanged, but also start a timer that appends an element (this is executed after list view has completed) – outcome: second element is highlighted and we see model count has increased by two, so somehow the count increases, but we don't get the update.


        1. first.qml
          2 kB
        2. second.qml
          2 kB
        3. third.qml
          2 kB



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