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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-110507

Item particle example stuck loading



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • 6.3.0
    • Quick: Particles
    • Tested on Windows using Android 10 emulator and Oneplus 5 running Android 10
    • Android, Windows


      Qt quick Example Item particle is stuck at loading.


      Gives error:

      E linker  : library "/system/lib/libcrypto.so" ("/system/lib/libcrypto.so") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/org.qtproject.example.itemparticle-53GlG--c7xS_SFZ9j0ocSA==/lib/arm64/libQt6Core_arm64-v8a.so" is not accessible for the namespace: [name="classloader-namespace", ld_library_paths="", default_library_paths="/data/app/org.qtproject.example.itemparticle-53GlG--c7xS_SFZ9j0ocSA==/lib/arm64:/data/app/org.qtproject.example.itemparticle-53GlG--c7xS_SFZ9j0ocSA==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a", permitted_paths="/data:/mnt/expand:/data/data/org.qtproject.example.itemparticle"]
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend "cert-only" does not support QSslKey
      W qt.network.ssl: : Active TLS backend does not support key creation
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend "cert-only" does not support QSslKey
      W qt.network.ssl: : Active TLS backend does not support key creation
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend "cert-only" does not support QSslKey
      W qt.network.ssl: : Active TLS backend does not support key creation
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend "cert-only" does not support QSslKey
      W qt.network.ssl: : Active TLS backend does not support key creation
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend "cert-only" does not support QSslKey
      W qt.network.ssl: : Active TLS backend does not support key creation
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend "cert-only" does not support QSslKey
      W qt.network.ssl: : Active TLS backend does not support key creation
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend "cert-only" does not support QSslSocket
      W qt.network.ssl: : The backend named "cert-only" does not support TLS
      W qt.network.ssl: : QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted: TLS initialization failed


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              qt.team.quick.subscriptions Qt Quick and Widgets Team
              eliashautala Elias Hautala
              1 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

