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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-109731

6.4.2, 6.5beta1 & 6.6 regression QML MediaPlayer shows Corrupt/Blank Video If Playback Starts at Launch



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P1: Critical
    • 6.4.3, 6.5.0 RC
    • 6.4.2, 6.5.0 Beta1, 6.6.0
    • Multimedia
    • None
    • Seen on Android 11, 12 on a variety of handsets, emulators, and TV-boxes, on at least arm64 and x86_x64 platforms.
    • Android
    • f29bf9e03 (dev), 8b3364b5b (6.4), fe00c5d12 (6.5)
    • 2023wk04FOQtforAndroid


      I created a minimal example Qt5/Qt6 "portable' test app to demonstrate regressions seen in Qt 6.4.2, Qt 6.5.0beta1 and 6.6.0 "dev" releases on Android. They work correctly across Qt Versions on Linux, for example.

      See https://github.com/NielsMayer/qmlvideobug for source code to this example.

      In all prior versions of Qt, e.g.,  5.15.2, 6.2.X, 6.3.X, 6.4.X, this app works correctly – playing back an internet copy of the open-source "Big Buck Bunny" test video.

      • See 1st image attachment == Qt5.15.2 screenshot from NVIDIA Shield
      • See 2nd image attachment == Qt 6.4.1 Screenshot from NVIDIA Shield
      • See 3rd image attachment == Qt6.5beta1 Screenshot from NVIDIA Shield
      • See 4th image attachment == Qt6.6 "dev" screenshot from NVIDIA Shield (ghost outline of button flickers where video should be).

      Beginning with 6.5.0beta1 and 6.6.0 "dev" releases, the expected video display is either blank or corrupted.

      In 6.5, the video area is blank, and the reported video speed is (per reported playback position) is faster than actual time. Sometimes the audio seems pitched wrong.

      This problem only manifests if the video playback starts immediately on application launch. If the QML QQC2 display in which the VideoOutput item resides is otherwise used for selecting the video file, e.g. "Examples/Qt-6.4.0/multimedia/video/qmlvideo/", then the video will play back normally.

      Likewise in Qt5.5 or Qt5.6, selecting a different video source, in this qmlvideobug app, e.g. the second or third entries in the menu "BBB RTSP ...." should display the video normally;  Also, re-selecting, after playing a different source, the default source "BBB HTTP", results in correct playback and display.


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              bartlomiejmoskal Bartlomiej Moskal
              nielsmayer Niels Mayer
              1 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue

