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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-109356

[B2Qt 6.4.2] OpenGL applications fail on apalis-imx6



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.4.2


      Sha: f913d8843:c20a34829 (meta-boot2qt:meta-qt6) (6.4.2)

      planets-qml shows:

      QList()qt.qml.defaultmethod: Assigning an object to a signal handler is deprecated.Instead, create the object, give it an id, and call the desired slot from the signal handler.
      qrc:/ShadowEffect.qml:130:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to Qt3DRender::QGraphicsApiFilter::Api
      Requested MSAA sample count 4 but supported sample counts are QList(1) , using sample count 1 instead
      Attempted to set unsupported sample count 4
      Attempted to set unsupported sample count 4
      qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
      qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
      QGles2TextureRenderTarget: Depth texture is not supported and will be ignored
      Framebuffer incomplete: 0x8cd6
      Qt3D.Renderer.RHI.Backend: Failed to create RenderTarget 11 
       QList("Depth Texture: Texture format: 14; flags: 33; samples: 1")
      qt.qml.defaultmethod: Assigning an object to a signal handler is deprecated.Instead, create the object, give it an id, and call the desired slot from the signal handler.
      qrc:/ShadowEffect.qml:130:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to Qt3DRender::QGraphicsApiFilter::Api
      Requested MSAA sample count 4 but supported sample counts are QList(1) , using sample count 1 instead
      Attempted to set unsupported sample count 4
      Qt3D.Renderer.RHI.Backend: Failed to create RenderTarget 11 
       QList("Depth Texture: Texture format: 14; flags: 33; samples: 1")
      No GLSL shader code found (versions tried:  QList(100) ) in baked shader QShader(stage=0 shaders=QList(ShaderKey(1 Version(120 QFlags()) 0)) desc.isValid=true)

      It doesn't seem to be finding shader code?




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