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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-108301

Pinch Gesture are not recognized in PinchArea on Wayland with a Wacom Pro tablet



    • Linux/Wayland


      Note: I can try to debug this issue if I get some hints...



      I am trying to mock up a pinch gesture on desktop to do coarse debugging of an Android application. But it can also improve the support of Wacom pro tablet in Qt.

      Solutions could be

      • use the Android emulator : this is slower than native
      • use a computer with a touchscreen : expensive
      • inject touch events in Qt : aka Qt Test
      • use a tablet with a touchpad (on Wayland) : cost ~ 200€
      • forward and inject touch events from a smartphone to the desktop : cheaper, but must implement it... QML Android toy app -> send events over IP -> Application on desktop -> inject events in Qt event loop


      Test environment:



      • [OK] mouse with one finger: move, click, double click
      • [OK]  (X, Y) wheel with one static finger and a second one moving, or double moving fingers. Horizontal wheel is more erratic and increase to the left !!
      • [OK] PinchHandler: target scale and rotate
      • [NOK] PinchArea: no signals, no action on target
      • PointHandler requires a double tap and move to act as the mouse to drag an item???
      • for MultiPointTouchArea, Wayland doesn't send any events...


      Wayland trace:

      Pinch gesture event are sent to the application

      [ 624509.430] zwp_pointer_gesture_pinch_v1@21.begin(23109, 16609422, wl_surface@27, 2)
      [ 624509.589] zwp_pointer_gesture_pinch_v1@21.update(16609422, 1.16796875, -1.65625000, 0.98046875, 0.14453125)
      [ 626129.266] zwp_pointer_gesture_pinch_v1@21.end(23110, 16611041, 0)

      See https://wayland.app/protocols/pointer-gestures-unstable-v1

      Notice Wayland only send gesture event. Raw touch events are available from libinput (tested with evtest).

      I don't found any swipe events in the log.


      zwp_pointer_gesture_pinch_v1 occurrences in Qt Wayland source are found in these files

      • src/3rdparty/protocol/pointer-gestures-unstable-v1.xml
      • src/client/qwaylandpointergestures_p.h
      • src/client/qwaylandpointergestures.cpp





            srutledg Shawn Rutledge
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