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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-108284

CSS-styled cursors not shown when QWebEngineView is wrapped in QGraphicsProxyWidget



    • Linux/X11, Windows


      For a QGraphicsScene based application, we're wrapping a QWebEngineView in a QGraphicsProxyWidget. In this setup, CSS-styled cursors do not appear.

      I created a minimal proof-of-failure here: https://github.com/letsfindaway/WebWidgetCursor. It loads a demonstration site https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/tryit.php?filename=trycss_cursor in such a setup.

      When you use e.g. the simplebrowser example or any other browser, then cursors change as you move the mouse over the styled texts. When the QWebEngineView is wrapped, then this effect does not occur.

      However if you e.g  right-click on a styled text to show the context menu and then again click outside of the menu to hide it, then the desired cursor appears! Probably not related to that: When the context menu is shown on Qt 6.2, then I found no way to hide it again except switching to another application and back again. With Qt 5.15 this was ok and any click outside the menu removed it.

      I could also provoke a change of cursor shape when I move the mouse from outside that little application "fast enough" over a styled text. Yes, it is strange, but it depends on the speed of mouse movement.



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              qt_webengine_team Qt WebEngine Team
              letsfindaway Martin Winter
              1 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

