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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-107021

Port Qt Location to Qt 6



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • 6.5
    • None
    • Location
    • None


      Qt Location has been part of Qt 5 and not been part of the essential and most-used module list for migration to Qt 6.
      Over time, we received a multitude of customers and OSS projects demanding reviving Qt Location.
      After several discussions with customers the scope could be narrowed down. For more details, follow this spreadsheet:

      The most relevant items are:
      -         Capability to render map tiles onto a QML scene
      -         Gesture operation (pinch/zoom/move/…)
      -         Render custom items on top of the map. Open: Do we need QMapItem, or can it be integrated into the “regular” scene
      Open Question: Preferably the rendering should happen on top of RHI instead of a hard dependency to OpenGL. This allows future proof implementation of mapping support. Effort is yet to be estimated.
      Features which are not or only by a few required:
      -         Points of Interest API
      -         Navigation

      Backends to be supported:
      -         OSM

      A couple of customers have been integrating other map providers, so we should make sure that the backend API is flexible enough. However, the Qt 5 version already was sufficient to them. Some map providers do not allow abstraction of their services, hence we as the Qt Company cannot provide a backend, customers can do it for their specific projects though.

      R&D activities can be followed here: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-72239


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