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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-106430

[Reg 5.14->5.15] QML doesn't response for rendering the UI when dragging the window across three monitors



    • Windows


      Hardware requirements:
      Three graphics cards (at least one AMD Radeon Graphics Card). Each card connects with a screen monitor.

      If you have an AMD Radeon Graphics Card, you should install AMD Software / Radeon Software to control graphics settings. AMD Software / Radeon Software refers to RSX for short below.

      Drag the RSX UI across the monitors, and then you will find the UI will be abnormal on one of the displays (please check RSX_deom.mp4 in the zip file).

      We did some tests on the QT native app – coffee demo. This issue could be reproduced once applying the attribute Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES. Their symptoms are similar to some extent. Hence, we thought this is the root cause of this issue.

      Besides, we also printed the width and the height of the main window on the top left corner of the main window of the coffee demo. The size of the UI rendered by QML is out of date after changing the size of the main window (please check coffee_demo.mp4 in the zip file).

      This issue couldn't be reproduced with QT 5.14.2.

      Could you please help to check this issue and provide us with a solution?


        1. RSX_demo.mp4
          15.79 MB
        2. coffee_demo.mp4
          15.25 MB



            lagocs Laszlo Agocs
            yijiazhao Yijia Zhao
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