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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-104622

Qt 6.2.4 / Android Clang arm64-v8a / Impossible to render HTML in QML WebView



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.2.4, 6.3
    • WebView
    • None


      Since Qt decided to remove its Location module and since our app needs map display capabilities, we are trying to display a map inside a QML WebView. The map is described inside an HTML file. The HTML is loaded as a string into a QML WebView using WebView::loadHTML. The HTML renders great under Windows by just double-clicking onto it. But WebView displays an empty black window...

      Repro case:

      • Use attached HTML file and double click it: it opens fine.
      • Instantiate a QML WebView and use loadHTML to load attached file as a string: WebView displays an empty black window.

      Android log displays these errors:

      W kooling.KoolAp: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->isTagEnabled(J)Z (greylist, reflection, allowed)
      W kooling.KoolAp: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;)V (greylist, reflection, allowed)
      W kooling.KoolAp: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceEnd(J)V (greylist, reflection, allowed)
      W kooling.KoolAp: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (greylist, reflection, allowed)
      W kooling.KoolAp: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceEnd(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (greylist, reflection, allowed)


      E chromium: [ERROR:simple_index_file_posix.cc(36)] opendir /data/user/0/com.kooling.KoolApp/cache/WebView/Default/HTTP Cache/Code Cache/js: No such file or directory (2)
      E chromium: [ERROR:simple_index_file.cc(577)] Could not reconstruct index from disk
      W ContentCatcher: Failed to notify a WebView
      W ContentCatcher: Failed to notify a WebView
      W ContentCatcher: Failed to notify a WebView




        1. map.html
          3 kB
          Franck Le Gall



            stromme Christian
            flegall Franck Le Gall
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