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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-104548

QtPdf: provide feature to select text within a rectangular area



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P5: Not important
    • None
    • None
    • PDF
    • None


      Some viewers like Okular and xpdf can do rectangular selections; whereas so far we have made text selection work more like it does in a text editor, where if you drag downwards you often get part of the first line, complete text of all lines in the middle, and part of the last line. Stumbled across this function which we don't use or expose yet:

      // Function: FPDFText_GetBoundedText
      //          Extract unicode text within a rectangular boundary on the page.
      // Parameters:
      //          text_page   -   Handle to a text page information structure.
      //                          Returned by FPDFText_LoadPage function.
      //          left        -   Left boundary.
      //          top         -   Top boundary.
      //          right       -   Right boundary.
      //          bottom      -   Bottom boundary.
      //          buffer      -   A unicode buffer.
      //          buflen      -   Number of characters (not bytes) for the buffer,
      //                          excluding an additional terminator.
      // Return Value:
      //          If buffer is NULL or buflen is zero, return number of characters
      //          (not bytes) of text present within the rectangle, excluding a
      //          terminating NUL. Generally you should pass a buffer at least one
      //          larger than this if you want a terminating NUL, which will be
      //          provided if space is available. Otherwise, return number of
      //          characters copied into the buffer, including the terminating NUL
      //          when space for it is available.
      // Comment:
      //          If the buffer is too small, as much text as will fit is copied into
      //          it.
      FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetBoundedText(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page,
                                                            double left,
                                                            double top,
                                                            double right,
                                                            double bottom,
                                                            unsigned short* buffer,
                                                            int buflen);

      So that's what's needed for that.




            srutledg Shawn Rutledge
            srutledg Shawn Rutledge
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