With the Qt3D RHI renderer (default in Qt 6.3.1), the QImage received from QRenderCapture has different format than OpenGL renderer.
The QImage from RHI renderer with OpenGL backend is inverted vertically.
I captured by manual test tests/manual/rendercapture-cpp
with/without environment variable QT3D_RENDERER=opengl and QSG_RHI_BACKEND=opengl
(This patch is required for it to work.
- OpenGL Renderer, RHI Renderer with DirectX backend
- RHI Renderer with OpenGL backend (inverted vertically)
And These formats are
- OpenGL Renderer: QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied
- RHI Renderer: QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied
I expect to get an image with the correct orientation.
(Also, it is preferable that it can be obtained in the same format.)