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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-104110

Support easy, yet precise, documenting of relational operators



    • 21
    • Foundation Sprint 72, Foundation Sprint 73, Foundation Sprint 74, Foundation Sprint 75, Foundation Sprint 76, Foundation Sprint 77, Foundation Sprint 78, Foundations Sprint 79


      C++20 brings a new 3-way relational operator and three classes of comparison result: strong, partial, and weak ordering (cf. epic). We need an easy way to document

      1. the class of comparison result that applies to the type: strong, partial, weak
      2. which other types this type can be compared with

      qdoc should then do the rest.

      Example: QByteArray

      \class QByteArray
      \comparesto QByteArrayView, const char*, const char8_t*, ...

      This is all a class author should need to do. Output should be something like:

      class QByteArray
      This class is _strongly comparable_ (link to description).
      It can also be compared to <list or table>
      <add function documentation for each op in {==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, <=>}, complain if one is missing>

      This is for less-than-comparable types. We'll need something similar for equality-comparable-non-less-than-comparable types, such as QRect:

      \class QRect
      \comparesto QRectF
      \class QRectF
      \comparesto QRect

      Scope for this ticket is to finalize the concept and generate buy-in from the Documentation team and the qdoc maintainers for it.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • common understanding of the solution between Documentation team, qdoc team and C++ developers, incl. buy-in
      • follow-up tasks defined for each of Documentation, qdoc, and C++ teams


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              treinio Topi Reiniƶ
              mmutz Marc Mutz
              Vladimir Minenko Vladimir Minenko
              Alex Blasche Alex Blasche
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

