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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-103306

Pack QXmlStreamReader's Value struct



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P4: Low
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Now that QTBUG-102465 has fixed QXmlStreamReader's int/qsizetype mismatches (incl. some bugs), the central Value struct is now

           qsizetype pos;   // 8 bytes
           qsizetype len;   // 8 bytes
           qint16 prefix;   // 2 bytes
           ushort c;        // 2 bytes
                            // ========
                            // 20 bytes

      The prefix is only used for names, for which fastScanName() imposes an upper limit of 4096 on the length, in which case a qint16 len would suffice, too.

      For character content, which can reasonably be expected to run for more than 2Gi character, OTOH, there's no need for a prefix (TODO: check c).

      Finally, when c is used, len is always 1 and prefix is 0 (TODO: check that's correct).

      So we should be able to save some space by adding variadic members to Value:

           qsizetype pos;                           // 8 bytes - can't be helped
           union {
               struct {
                   qsizetype len; // 8 bytes
               } characters;
               struct {
                   qint16 len;    // 2 bytes
                   qint16 prefix; // 2 bytes
               } name;
              ushort c;           // 2 bytes
          };                                        // 8 bytes
                                                    // ========
                                                    // 16 bytes

      which brings us back to where we were in Qt 5 with struct Value {int, int, int, ushort} (14 bytes + 2 padding).

      If it's not clear by context which kind of Value we have, we also need to embed a discriminator, which would be easy in 64-bits (use some bits from pos), but may be tricky in 32-bit (where we really only have one bit to spare in pos - the sign bit).


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              cnn Qt Core & Network
              mmutz Marc Mutz
              Vladimir Minenko Vladimir Minenko
              Alex Blasche Alex Blasche
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