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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-103209

As a user who compiles Qt himself, I'm left in the dark regarding the configuration of QtConnectivity



    • Linux/X11
    • 5
    • 0b90663e08 (qt/qtconnectivity/dev) dcada50339 (qt/qtconnectivity/6.3) dcada50339 (qt/tqtc-qtconnectivity/6.3) 0b90663e08 (qt/qtconnectivity/6.4) 0b90663e08 (qt/tqtc-qtconnectivity/6.4)
    • Team A Foundation Sprint 58


      Most modules print a summary at the end of configure, but QtConnectivity doesn't:

      -- Configure summary:
      Building for: linux-clang-libc++ (x86_64, CPU features: mmx sse sse2)
      Compiler: clang 10.0.0
      Build options:
        Mode ................................... release (with debug info)
        Optimize release build for size ........ no
        Fully optimize release builds (-O3) .... no
        Building shared libraries .............. yes
        Using C standard ....................... C11
        Using C++ standard ..................... C++20
        Using ccache ........................... no
        Using new DTAGS ........................ yes
        Relocatable ............................ yes
        Using precompiled headers .............. yes
        Using LTCG ............................. no
        Using Intel CET ........................ no
        Target compiler supports:
          SSE .................................. SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
          AVX .................................. AVX AVX2 VAES
          AVX512 ............................... F ER CD PF DQ BW VL IFMA VBMI AVX512VBMI2
          Other x86 ............................ AES F16C RDRAND SHA
          Addresses ............................ no
          Threads .............................. no
          Memory ............................... no
          Fuzzer (instrumentation only) ........ no
          Undefined ............................ no
        Build parts ............................ libs tests tools
      Qt modules and options:
        Qt Concurrent .......................... yes
        Qt D-Bus ............................... yes
        Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... yes
        Qt Gui ................................. yes
        Qt Network ............................. yes
        Qt PrintSupport ........................ yes
        Qt Sql ................................. yes
        Qt Testlib ............................. yes
        Qt Widgets ............................. yes
        Qt Xml ................................. yes
      Support enabled for:
        Using pkg-config ....................... yes
        udev ................................... yes
        Using system zlib ...................... yes
        Zstandard support ...................... yes
        Thread support ......................... yes
      Common build options:
        Linker can resolve circular dependencies  yes
      Qt Core:
        backtrace .............................. yes
        DoubleConversion ....................... yes
          Using system DoubleConversion ........ yes
        GLib ................................... yes
        ICU .................................... yes
        Using system libb2 ..................... yes
        Built-in copy of the MIME database ..... yes
        cpp/winrt base ......................... no
        Tracing backend ........................ <none>
        Logging backends:
          journald ............................. no
          syslog ............................... no
          slog2 ................................ no
        PCRE2 .................................. yes
          Using system PCRE2 ................... yes
        CLONE_PIDFD support in forkfd .......... yes
      Qt Sql:
        SQL item models ........................ yes
      Qt Network:
        getifaddrs() ........................... yes
        IPv6 ifname ............................ yes
        libproxy ............................... no
        Linux AF_NETLINK ....................... yes
        OpenSSL ................................ yes
          Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no
        OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ yes
        DTLS ................................... yes
        OCSP-stapling .......................... yes
        SCTP ................................... yes
        Use system proxies ..................... yes
        GSSAPI ................................. yes
        Brotli Decompression Support ........... no
        qTopLevelDomain() ...................... yes
          Built-in publicsuffix database ....... yes
          System publicsuffix database ......... yes
      Core tools:
        Android deployment tool ................ yes
        macOS deployment tool .................. no
        Windows deployment tool ................ no
        qmake .................................. yes
      Qt Gui:
        Accessibility .......................... yes
        FreeType ............................... yes
          Using system FreeType ................ yes
        HarfBuzz ............................... yes
          Using system HarfBuzz ................ yes
        Fontconfig ............................. yes
        Image formats:
          GIF .................................. yes
          ICO .................................. yes
          JPEG ................................. yes
            Using system libjpeg ............... yes
          PNG .................................. yes
            Using system libpng ................ yes
        Text formats:
          HtmlParser ........................... yes
          CssParser ............................ yes
          OdfWriter ............................ yes
          MarkdownReader ....................... yes
            Using system libmd4c ............... yes
          MarkdownWriter ....................... yes
        EGL .................................... yes
        OpenVG ................................. no
          Desktop OpenGL ....................... yes
          OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ no
          OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no
          OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no
          OpenGL ES 3.2 ........................ no
        Vulkan ................................. yes
        Session Management ..................... yes
      Features used by QPA backends:
        evdev .................................. yes
        libinput ............................... yes
        HiRes wheel support in libinput ........ no
        INTEGRITY HID .......................... no
        mtdev .................................. yes
        tslib .................................. yes
        xkbcommon .............................. yes
        X11 specific:
          XLib ................................. yes
          XCB Xlib ............................. yes
          EGL on X11 ........................... yes
          xkbcommon-x11 ........................ yes
          xcb-sm ............................... yes
      QPA backends:
        DirectFB ............................... no
        EGLFS .................................. yes
        EGLFS details:
          EGLFS OpenWFD ........................ no
          EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no
          EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no
          EGLFS RCAR ........................... no
          EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... yes
          EGLFS GBM ............................ no
          EGLFS VSP2 ........................... no
          EGLFS Mali ........................... no
          EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... no
          EGLFS X11 ............................ yes
        LinuxFB ................................ yes
        VNC .................................... yes
        VK_KHR_display ......................... yes
          lgmon ................................ no
          IMF .................................. no
          Using system-provided xcb-xinput ..... no
          GL integrations:
            GLX Plugin ......................... yes
              XCB GLX .......................... yes
            EGL-X11 Plugin ..................... yes
          Direct 2D ............................ no
          Direct 2D 1.1 ........................ no
          DirectWrite .......................... no
          DirectWrite 3 ........................ no
      Qt Widgets:
        GTK+ ................................... yes
        Styles ................................. Fusion Windows
      Qt Testlib:
        Tester for item models ................. yes
      Qt PrintSupport:
        CUPS ................................... yes
      Qt Sql Drivers:
        DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
        InterBase .............................. no
        MySql .................................. yes
        OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
        ODBC ................................... no
        PostgreSQL ............................. no
        SQLite ................................. yes
          Using system provided SQLite ......... no
      Further Image Formats:
        JasPer ................................. no
        MNG .................................... yes
        TIFF ................................... yes
          Using system libtiff ................. yes
        WEBP ................................... yes
          Using system libwebp ................. yes
      Qt QML:
        QML network support .................... yes
        QML debugging and profiling support .... yes
        QML just-in-time compiler .............. yes
        QML XML http request ................... yes
        QML Locale ............................. yes
      Qt QML Models:
        QML list model ......................... yes
        QML delegate model ..................... yes
      Qt Quick:
        AnimatedImage item ..................... yes
        Canvas item ............................ yes
        Support for Qt Quick Designer .......... yes
        Flipable item .......................... yes
        GridView item .......................... yes
        ListView item .......................... yes
        TableView item ......................... yes
        TreeView item .......................... yes
        Path support ........................... yes
        PathView item .......................... yes
        Positioner items ....................... yes
        Repeater item .......................... yes
        ShaderEffect item ...................... yes
        Sprite item ............................ yes
      Qt Quick Templates 2:
        Hover support .......................... yes
        Multi-touch support .................... yes
        Calendar support ....................... yes
      Qt Quick Controls 2:
        Styles ................................. Basic Fusion Imagine iOS Material Universal macOS Windows
      Qt Multimedia:
        GStreamer 1.0 .......................... no
        FFmpeg ................................. no
        Video for Linux ........................ yes
        VAAPI support .......................... no
        PulseAudio ............................. yes
        Linux DMA buffer support ............... yes
        MMRenderer ............................. no
        AVFoundation ........................... no
        Windows Media Foundation ............... no
      Qt 3D:
        Assimp ................................. yes
        System Assimp .......................... no
        Use SSE2 instructions .................. yes
        Use AVX2 instructions .................. no
          Render aspect ........................ yes
          Input aspect ......................... yes
          Logic aspect ......................... yes
          Animation aspect ..................... yes
          Extras aspect ........................ yes
      Qt 3D APIs:
        Vulkan ................................. yes
      Qt 3D Renderers:
        OpenGL Renderer ........................ yes
        RHI Renderer ........................... yes
      Qt3D Geometry Loaders:
        Autodesk FBX ........................... no
      Qt 5 Compatibility Libraries:
        iconv .................................. no
      Qt Charts Types:
        Area Chart ............................. yes
        Line Chart ............................. yes
        Spline Chart ........................... yes
        Scatter Chart .......................... yes
        Bar Chart .............................. yes
        Pie Chart .............................. yes
        Boxplot Chart .......................... yes
        Candlestick Chart ...................... yes
      Qt Axis Types:
        DateTime Axis .......................... yes
      Qt Tools:
        Qt Assistant ........................... yes
        QDoc ................................... yes
        Clang-based lupdate parser ............. yes
        Qt Designer ............................ yes
        Qt Distance Field Generator ............ yes
        Qt Linguist ............................ yes
        pixeltool .............................. yes
        qdbus .................................. yes
        Qt Attributions Scanner ................ yes
        qtdiag ................................. yes
        qtplugininfo ........................... yes
      Serial Port:
        ntddmodm ............................... no
      Qt Opcua:
        Open62541 .............................. yes
        Unified Automation C++ SDK ............. no
        Support for namespace 0 NodeId names ... yes
        Namespace 0 NodeIds generator .......... no
        Open62541 security support ............. yes
        Support for global discovery server .... yes
        Assimp ................................. yes
        System Assimp .......................... no
      Qt Remote Objects:
        High Availability Manager (ham) ........ no
      Qt Scxml:
        ECMAScript data model for QtScxml ...... yes
      Qt Sensors:
        sensorfw ............................... no
        sensorfw_enabled_with_cmake ............ no
      Qt SerialBus:
        Socket CAN ............................. yes
        Socket CAN FD .......................... yes
        SerialPort Support ..................... yes
      Qt TextToSpeech:
        Flite .................................. no
        Flite with ALSA ........................ no
        Speech Dispatcher ...................... no
      Qt Virtualkeyboard:
        Desktop integration .................... yes
        Built-in layouts ....................... yes
        Key navigation ......................... no
        Retro style as default ................. no
        Sensitive Debug ........................ no
        Cerence ................................ no
          Static Linking ....................... no
          Handwriting .......................... no
            Alphabetic ......................... no
            CJK ................................ no
          XT9 .................................. no
            XT9 Debug .......................... no
            XT9 9-key layouts .................. no
          Bundle resources ..................... no
            Handwriting ........................ no
            XT9 ................................ no
        Hunspell ............................... yes
          Using Hunspell copy from 3rdparty/ ... no
        OpenWnn ................................ yes
        MyScript ............................... no
        Language support enabled for:
          Arabic ............................... yes
          Bulgarian ............................ yes
          Czech ................................ yes
          Danish ............................... yes
          German ............................... yes
          Greek ................................ yes
          English GB ........................... yes
          English US ........................... yes
          Spanish .............................. yes
          Spanish Mexico ....................... yes
          Estonian ............................. yes
          Farsi ................................ yes
          Finnish .............................. yes
          French Canada ........................ yes
          French France ........................ yes
          Hebrew ............................... yes
          Hindi ................................ yes
          Croatian ............................. yes
          Hungarian ............................ yes
          Indonesian ........................... yes
          Italian .............................. yes
          Japanese ............................. yes
          Korean ............................... yes
          Malay ................................ yes
          Norwegian ............................ yes
          Dutch ................................ yes
          Polish ............................... yes
          Portuguese Brazil .................... yes
          Portuguese Portugal .................. yes
          Romanian ............................. yes
          Russian .............................. yes
          Slovak ............................... yes
          Slovenian ............................ yes
          Albanian ............................. yes
          Serbian .............................. yes
          Swedish .............................. yes
          Thai ................................. yes
          Turkish .............................. yes
          Ukrainian ............................ yes
          Vietnamese ........................... yes
          Simplified Chinese ................... yes
          Traditional Chinese .................. yes
          HongKong Chinese ..................... no
        Traditional chinese input methods:
          Zhuyin ............................... yes
          Cangjie .............................. yes
      Qt Wayland TextInput Protocol V4(WIP) .... no
      Qt Wayland Client ........................ yes
      Qt Wayland Compositor .................... yes
      Qt Wayland Drivers:
        EGL .................................... yes
        Raspberry Pi ........................... no
        DRM EGL ................................ yes
        libhybris EGL .......................... no
        Linux dma-buf server buffer integration  yes
        Shm emulation server buffer integration  yes
        Vulkan-based server buffer integration . yes
      Qt Wayland Client Shell Integrations:
        xdg-shell .............................. yes
        ivi-shell .............................. yes
        wl-shell (deprecated) .................. yes
        qt-shell ............................... yes
      Qt Wayland Compositor Layer Plugins:
        VSP2 hardware layer integration ........ no
      WebEngine Repository Build Options:
        Build Ninja ............................ no
        Build Gn ............................... yes
        Jumbo Build ............................ yes
        Developer build ........................ yes
        Build QtWebEngine Modules:
          Build QtWebEngineCore ................ yes
          Build QtWebEngineWidgets ............. yes
          Build QtWebEngineQuick ............... yes
        Build QtPdf Modules:
          Build QtPdfWidgets ................... yes
          Build QtPdfQuick ..................... yes
        Optional system libraries:
          re2 .................................. yes
          icu .................................. no
          libwebp, libwebpmux and libwebpdemux . yes
          opus ................................. yes
          ffmpeg ............................... no
          libvpx ............................... no
          snappy ............................... yes
          glib ................................. yes
          zlib ................................. yes
          minizip .............................. yes
          libevent ............................. no
          libxml2 and libxslt .................. yes
          lcms2 ................................ yes
          png .................................. yes
          jpeg ................................. yes
          harfbuzz ............................. no
          freetype ............................. yes
          libpci ............................... yes
      Qt WebEngineCore:
        Embedded build ......................... no
        Full debug information ................. no
        Sanitizer support ...................... no
        Pepper Plugins ......................... yes
        Printing and PDF ....................... yes
        Proprietary Codecs ..................... yes
        Spellchecker ........................... yes
        WebRTC ................................. yes
        PipeWire over GIO ...................... no
        Geolocation ............................ yes
        WebChannel support ..................... yes
        Kerberos Authentication ................ no
        Extensions ............................. yes
        Support GLX on qpa-xcb ................. yes
        Use ALSA ............................... yes
        Use PulseAudio ......................... yes
      Qt WebEngineQuick:
        UI Delegates ........................... yes
      Qt PDF:
        Support V8 ............................. yes
        Support XFA ............................ yes
        Support XFA-BMP ........................ yes
        Support XFA-GIF ........................ yes
        Support XFA-PNG ........................ yes
        Support XFA-TIFF ....................... yes
        Bitcode support ........................ no
        Use static runtime ..................... no
      -- Configuring done
      -- Generating done

      That makes it very tedious to check whether the module picked up all dependencies correctly.




            vuokko Juha Vuolle
            mmutz Marc Mutz
            Vladimir Minenko Vladimir Minenko
            Alex Blasche Alex Blasche
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

