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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-10231

Frustrating experience installing libs and developer tools for building 64 bit Mac apps



    • macOS


      There are a few issues here but I'm rolling them into one because they're part of one task: to be able to build 64 bit Mac Qt apps from the command line without using a chunky IDE. I'm not developing these apps, just testing them.

      So first step, I'm trying to download the 64 bit standalone Qt libraries for OS X. I eventually find this page behind the LGPL tab on the downloads page:


      First annoyance, it automatically starts downloading "Qt for Open Source C++ development on Mac OS X (Carbon 32-bit)"

      I stop the download and scan through the list of alternatives to find this:

      Mac binary package using Cocoa for Mac OS X 10.5 - 10.6 (32-bit and 64-bit)

      This looks right, so I download the debug-libs and run the installer which greets me like this:

      Welcome to the Qt installer! This will guide you through the steps to getting Qt 4.6 Opensource Edition installed on your machine!

      After a successful install, you can find most new things in /Developer. Specifically things will be located in the following places:

      • Qt Designer, Qt Linguist: /Developer/Applications/Qt
      • Qt Documentation: /Developer/Documentation/Qt
      • Qt Examples: /Developer/Examples/Qt
      • Qt Plugins: /Developer/Applications/Qt/Plugins
      • Qt Frameworks: /Library/Frameworks
      • Qt Libraries: /usr/lib
      • qmake, moc, uic, etc.: /Developer/Tools/Qt (symlink to /usr/bin)
      • Uninstall script: /Developer/Tools/uninstall-qt.py

      Please use the Qt Bug Tracker located at
      if you have any issues.

      I check the list of files included in the installer (Cmd-I) and notice that of the above stated list of contents only the following are present:

      • Uninstall script: /Developer/Tools/uninstall-qt.py (phew!)
      • Qt Frameworks: /Library/Frameworks
      • Qt Libraries: /usr/lib

      The contents are correct, and match the expectation given on the website for the download, but the installer greeting text is wrong. In particular to my issue, the installer does not include:

      • qmake, moc, uic, etc.: /Developer/Tools/Qt (symlink to /usr/bin)

      This is particularly misleading because to accomplish my task, I do need to separately get my hands on these developer tools in a standalone fashion, but I can't find a way to do that. They're also not included with the standalone Qt Creator.app.

      It seems the only way is for me to get the monolithic SDK, which comes with 32 bit libs, and includes all sorts of IDEs and apps that I don't need, and then to install the 64bit libs on top of that.

      If possible, I'd like to see a link on the "Development Tools" page (http://qt.nokia.com/products/developer-tools) under the "Cross-Platform Build Tool" heading where I can just download the build tools separately.





            mariusg mariusg (Inactive)
            jwheare James Wheare
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