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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-100662

remote printer does not show settings of remote printer cause ppd is not downloaded



    • Linux/X11


      The bug described in QTBUG-8115 is still not solved.

      I installed a printer (named pur) on my Linux server in cups. My Linux Clients need to use this remote printer. The Client use this address in his printers.conf:

      DeviceURI ipps://server.netz/printers/pur

      With qt-based programs like Okular (21.12.2) the printing dialoge does not show any settings of the remote printer (like double sided, etc.).

      I compared is to non qt-based programs like Evince (40.4) which download the ppd for the remote printer correctly. On the server I get in the /var/log/cups/error_log:

      D [09/Feb/2022:15:27:09 +0100] [Client 285] GET /printers/pur.ppd HTTP/1.1

      Download of the ppd file is iniciated correctly by Evince. Evince then shows all availaby printer-specific settings of the remote printer correctly.

      But qt-based Okular does not ask for the necessary ppd-file. As a result, Okular does not show the printer-specific settings of the remote printer. Even worse is the fact that it modifies the standard settings: If the remote printer is double-sided, Okular resets it to single-sided.

      The Screenshot shows Okular on the lift side and Evince on the right side. Left Okular does not show any settings, right Evince shows the settings correctly.




            johnlayt John Layt
            klingon Kling Gon
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