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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-100191

tst_sanity and tst_snippets fail on Android



    • Android


      tst_snippets and tst_sanity seem to be tests meant for the host, but if they're actually meant to be run on the target as well, then changes need to be done because the tests expect data that is on the host in installation path to be present on test time which is not possible for Android.

      1: ********* Start testing of tst_Snippets *********
      1: Config: Using QtTest library 6.3.0, Qt 6.3.0 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) debug build; by Clang 11.0.5 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 87f1315dfbea7c137aa2e6d362dbb457e388158d)), android 11.0
      1: QINFO  : tst_Snippets::initTestCase() Snippets are taken from /Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/quickcontrols2/snippets/../../../../src/quickcontrols2/doc/snippets
      1: FAIL!  : tst_Snippets::initTestCase() '!snippetPaths.isEmpty()' returned FALSE. ()
      1:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/quickcontrols2/snippets/tst_snippets.cpp(79)]
      1: PASS   : tst_Snippets::cleanupTestCase()
      1: Totals: 1 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 2ms
      1: ********* Finished testing of tst_Snippets *********


      1: ********* Start testing of tst_Sanity *********
      1: Config: Using QtTest library 6.3.0, Qt 6.3.0 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) debug build; by Clang 11.0.5 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 87f1315dfbea7c137aa2e6d362dbb457e388158d)), android 11.0
      1: PASS   : tst_Sanity::initTestCase()
      1: PASS   : tst_Sanity::jsFiles()
      1: QFATAL : tst_Sanity::qmllint() ASSERT failure in QTest::fetchData(): "Test data requested, but no testdata available.", file /Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtbase/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp, line 1235
      1: FAIL!  : tst_Sanity::qmllint() Received a fatal error.
      1:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtbase/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp(1235)]
      1: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 54ms
      1: ********* Finished testing of tst_Sanity *********


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              qtqmlteam Qt Qml Team User
              assam Assam Boudjelthia
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