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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-100018

tst_qmltc_manual fails on Android



    • Android
    • 377d20ad7c (qt/qtdeclarative/dev) 377d20ad7c (qt/tqtc-qtdeclarative/dev) bf99bf139e (qt/qtdeclarative/6.3) bf99bf139e (qt/tqtc-qtdeclarative/6.3) 85bcbdacc8 (qt/qtdeclarative/6.2) 85bcbdacc8 (qt/tqtc-qtdeclarative/6.2)


      tst_qmltc_manual tests fail on Android

      I QTestLib: ********* Start testing of tst_qmltc_manual *********
      I QTestLib: Config: Using QtTest library 6.3.0, Qt 6.3.0 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) debug build; by Clang 11.0.5 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 87f1315dfbea7c137aa2e6d362dbb457e388158d)), android 11.0
      I QTestLib: PASS   : tst_qmltc_manual::initTestCase()
      I QTestLib: FAIL!  : tst_qmltc_manual::cppBinding() Compared values are not the same
      I QTestLib:    Actual   (created.getGreeting())          : ""
      I QTestLib:    Expected (QStringLiteral("Hello, World!")): "Hello, World!"
      I QTestLib:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/qml/qmltc_manual/tst_qmltc_manual.cpp(85)]
      I QTestLib: FAIL!  : tst_qmltc_manual::signalHandlers() Compared values are not the same
      I QTestLib:    Actual   (created.property("signal1P").toInt()): 0
      I QTestLib:    Expected (1)                                   : 1
      I QTestLib:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/qml/qmltc_manual/tst_qmltc_manual.cpp(105)]
      I QTestLib: PASS   : tst_qmltc_manual::signalHandlers_qmlcachegen()
      I QTestLib: FAIL!  : tst_qmltc_manual::jsFunctions() Compared values are not the same
      I QTestLib:    Actual   (created.property("func1P").toInt()): 0
      I QTestLib:    Expected (1)                                 : 1
      I QTestLib:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/qml/qmltc_manual/tst_qmltc_manual.cpp(156)]
      I QTestLib: FAIL!  : tst_qmltc_manual::changingBindings() Compared values are not the same
      I QTestLib:    Actual   (created.property("p2").toInt()): 0
      I QTestLib:    Expected (2)                             : 2
      I QTestLib:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/qml/qmltc_manual/tst_qmltc_manual.cpp(172)]
      I QTestLib: FAIL!  : tst_qmltc_manual::propertyAlias() Compared values are not the same
      I QTestLib:    Actual   (created.property("origin").toInt()): 0
      I QTestLib:    Expected (6)                                 : 6
      I QTestLib:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/qml/qmltc_manual/tst_qmltc_manual.cpp(217)]
      I QTestLib: FAIL!  : tst_qmltc_manual::propertyChangeHandler() Compared values are not the same
      I QTestLib:    Actual   (created.getP()): 0
      I QTestLib:    Expected (42)            : 42
      I QTestLib:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/tests/auto/qml/qmltc_manual/tst_qmltc_manual.cpp(280)]
      I QTestLib: PASS   : tst_qmltc_manual::propertyReturningFunction()
      I QTestLib: QFATAL : tst_qmltc_manual::locallyImported() ASSERT: "unit" in file /Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/src/qml/qml/qqmlengine.cpp, line 1901
      I QTestLib: FAIL!  : tst_qmltc_manual::locallyImported() Received a fatal error.
      I QTestLib:    Loc: [/Users/assam/sources/qt6/qt6/qtdeclarative/src/qml/qml/qqmlengine.cpp(1901)]
      I QTestLib: Totals: 3 passed, 7 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 163ms
      I QTestLib: ********* Finished testing of tst_qmltc_manual *********
      F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 26497 (qtMainLoopThrea), pid 26466 (st_qmltc_manual)


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              andreasbuhr Andreas Buhr
              assam Assam Boudjelthia
              1 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

