Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Qt 3D Studio 2.2 BETA1
Qt 3D Studio 2.2 Binary Installers
Qt 3D Studio Editor 2.2 binary installer for commercial and open source needs to be available on these operating systems:
- Windows 10
- macOS 10.13 (and 10.14 when available)
- Linux (exact distro and version TBD)
Qt 3D Studio Runtime 2.2 binary installer needs to be available for commercial and open source on these operating systems:
- Windows 10, for Qt 5.11
- macOS 10.13 (and 10.14 when available), for Qt 5.11
- Linux (exact distro and version TBD), for Qt 5.11
- Proposed: Android Qt Kit on Windows
- Proposed: Android Qt Kit on macOS ?
- Proposed. iOS Qt Kit on macOS?
Qt 3D Studio Viewer 2.2 binary image needs to be available for commercial and open source users for these platforms:
- Android (version TBD) from Google Play Store
- Proposed: Rasberry Pi (version TBD) with Boot2Qt
- Proposed: iMX 6 (version TBD) with Boot2Qt