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  1. Qt 3D Studio
  2. QT3DS-1239

9 states of designs needs to be applied



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • Qt 3D Studio 1.1 RC3
    • User Experience
    • None


      To ensure usability and consistent flow, 9 states of design principle should be used with every component and UI element. Not all parts are always applicable but most of the situations are relevant always.

      States are:

      1. Nothing: What happens before anything is done? Typically when user sees something first time or something exists but has not started yet. One example could be opening Qt 3D Studio first time. How to getting started?

      2. Loading: needed if user needs to wait something happens (for example loading a presentation to Viewer)

      3. None: there is no data, component exists (for example: no data inputs exists but user can try to add one; there is no assets in the freshly started project). User needs to be guided to next step or they need to be told that everything is taken care of already.

      4. One: There is some (one) data. One item in a list, 1 keystroke on input. It may also be case when there is one left: what happens when the space ends?

      5. Some: The ideal state, sunny day. Data is loaded, there is input, user is familiar with it

      6. Too many: too many results, too many characters, and so on

      7.Incorrect: Something is wrong, some kind of error

      8. Correct: normal state

      9. Done. Input has been given and it has been received by application. For example sending/ receiving something


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