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  1. Qt Safe Renderer
  2. QSR-67

QSR Design Phase Verification activities



    • Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • QSR 1.0
    • None
    • Other
    • None
    • QSR Design Verification Activities
    • November, April 2019


      Here are the definition of done for different kind of design quality gates:

      1. Documents only with walkthrough review
        1. The definition of done (DoD):
          1. Document adheres to documentation guidelines in the Qt Safe Renderer Project Plan
            1. 1a) location
            2. 1b) naming
            3. 1c) progress tracking
            4. 1d) change control
            5. 1e) review policy
            6. 1f) requirements for documents
          2. Document has been verified according to verification specification
          3. Document has been approved
            1. approval acknowledged by approved in corresponding Jira task
            2. approval information added to document by owner or approver
      1. Documents with walkthrough review followed by inspection
        1. Inspection for the design documents (requirements, architecture, unit design, SW implementation)
          1. The definition of done (DoD) for the walkthrough review:
            1. Document adheres to documentation guidelines in the Qt Safe Renderer Project Plan
              1. 1a) location
              2. 1b) naming
              3. 1c) progress tracking
              4. 1d) change control
              5. 1e) review policy
              6. 1f) requirements for documents
            2. Document has been verified according to verification specification
          2. The definition of done (DoD) for the inspection review:
            1. Walkthrough review performed first
            2. Document has been verified according to verification specification
              1. Inspection checklist has been used and inspection record filled by document owner
              2. There are separate inspection checklist and record templates available in the SharePoint review folder
            3. Document has been approved
              1. approval acknowledged by approved in corresponding Jira task
              2. approval information added to document by owner or approver

      TestRail: Results


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                assaarel Asmo Saarela
                assaarel Asmo Saarela
                Santtu Ahonen Santtu Ahonen
                Kalle Viironen Kalle Viironen
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