Uploaded image for project: 'Qt Safe Renderer'
  1. Qt Safe Renderer
  2. QSR-52

SafeImage does not display the image correctly



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • QSR 1.0
    • QSR 1.0
    • Other
    • Windows 10, Qt Creator 4.50, Qt 5.9.4

      Linux, Qt Creator, Qt 5.9.2


      SafeImage does not show the image correctly. The image has extra white margins on the left and top, and perhaps the scaling is also incorrect.

      The same source images work correctly when using regular image element. This applies to version 2017-12-15

      Test procedure specification and test execution record placeholder:
      # Test step Input data Expected result Actual Result Status Notes/Defect ID
      1 Open Qt Creator qtcreator executable from <install dir>/Tools/QtCreator/bin location Qt Creator opens      
      2  Open QtSafeRenderer project file See safety manual No errors      
      3 Configure build See safety manual No errors      
      4 Build qtsaferenderer project See safety manual The process exited normally (no warnings or errors)      
      5 Create new empty Quick application project See safety manual No errors      
      6 Import Qt Safe Renderer QML Types See safety manual Imported types are visible under QML types tab      
      7 Add safety-critical QML types SafeImage, SafePicture, SafeText UI form contains added items  SafeImage is not displayed correctly FAIL   
      8 Import Qt Quick Extras module See manual page Browsing ISO 7000 Icons Imported types are visible under QML types tab      
      9 Add similar regular QML types Image, Picture, Text UI form contains added items      
      10 Verify generated code from the Form Editor in Text Editor view Project's correct qml file Added elements exists with correct information      
      Test config: Windows 10 Execution date: 2018-01-29 Verdict: FAIL


      TestRail: Results


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                teemu.holappa Teemu Holappa
                assaarel Asmo Saarela
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